Gouverneur Johan Bax
M, #9322, b. circa 1637, d. 29 June 1678
NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 |
Last Edited | 13/12/2014 |
Birth* | Gouverneur Johan Bax was born circa 1637.1,2 |
Marriage* | He married Aletta van Hinloopen in 1669 Batavia.1,2 |
Death* | He died on 29 June 1678 (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.3,4 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | Gouverneur Johan Bax was also known as Joan van Herentals.5 Gouverneur Johan Bax was also known as Joan Bax van Herentals.5 |
Baptisms - Witness | Gouverneur Johan Bax is named as standing in for Deffoor Cornelissen and Joanna van Ommeren in the record of the baptism of Joanna Cornelia Leuwensen on 26 April 1676 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.2 He and Aletta van Hinloopen witnessed the baptism of Wilhelm Maurits Croes on 5 July 1676 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.6 |
Slave Births | Before 24 January 1677, Antonij van de Caep was born in bondage and was owned by Gouverneur Johan Bax de Caep de Goede Hoop.7 Before 24 January 1677, David NN was born in bondage and was owned by Gouverneur Johan Bax de Caep de Goede Hoop.8 |
Slave Transactions | On 31 December 1669 Andries van der Kust Coromandel, Claas Gerrits van Bengale, Mathijs van Angola, Anthonij Jansz van Bengale, Jeronimus van Coromandel, Titus van Bengale, Baddou van Bali, Ventura van Ceylon, Claesje van Angola, Abraham van Guinea, Maria da Costa van Bengale and Lysbeth van Bengale were sold by the departing commander Jacob van Borghorst to the Company for f 2 842:10:-, the amount he had originally paid for them. Included in the sale were three children, who, because they fit the profile, I have for the present presumed to be Lysbeth van de Caep, Anna Pieters and Anthonij van de Caep; the first the child of Pollecij/Maaij Claesje van Angola and the third and fourth the daughter and son of Lijsbeth van Bengale. However, at least some of these slaves came into the possession of Joan Bax van Herentals, Borghorst's successor.9![]() On 10 June 1676 Steven van Malabar was sold by Joan Bax van Herentals to Do. Petrus Hulsenaer, for Rds. 95.10,11 On 8 July 1676 Claas Caste was sold by Joan Bax van Herentals to Alexander Blanck.12 On 20 November 1676 Baddou van Bali was sold by Gouverneur Johan Bax to Isaac de l'Ostal de Saint-Martin, for Rds. 50 for the use of Anthonij Jansz van Bengale. This is a rare, perhaps unqiue, transaction. It could not be that the authorities were unwilling to allow a former slave to become a slave owner and that this was a device to place a slave in his service; Anthonij was already the owner of a slave purchased earlier in the same year. Did l'Ostal St. Martin know Anthonij previously and want to help him? This remains to be seen. What is true, however, is that Anthonij and his subsequent wife, Catharina van Paliacatta, evidently had significant connections to a group of powerful individuals in the VOC hierachy and that they benefited from these ties.13,14 On 5 March 1677 Magdalena van Bengalen was sold by Gouverneur Johan Bax to Martinus van Bachem, for Rds. 60.15 On 5 March 1677 Christina Casta van Bengale was sold by Joan Bax van Herentals to Jan Focqueiner.16,17 On 11 April 1677 Johan Casta was sold by Joan Bax van Herentals to Willem Schalch, for Rds. 60.18,19 Gouverneur Johan Bax sold Antonij van Malbaar to Matthys Michels on 17 June 1677 de Caep de Goede Hoop.20 On 17 June 1677 Tomee was sold by Joan Bax van Herentals to Theunis Dircksen van Schalckwyck, for Rds 60.21,22 On 27 January 1678, in an unusual arrangement, Joan Bax van Herentals apprenticed Andries Caste to Barent Cornelisz Backer with the understanding that he would teach Andries his trade of shoemaking. In the first year Andries would receive food and clothing, in the second f 9 a month, in addition, and in the third year f 12 a month. If he remained with Backer his wages were to increase each year; but Backer was free not to continue the relationship at the end of three years.23,24 |
Slaves owned by individuals | On 24 January 1677 Michiel van Bengale was Bengal owned by Gouverneur Johan Bax.7 On 24 January 1677 Constantie van Bengale was Bengal owned by Gouverneur Johan Bax.7 On 24 January 1677 Antonij van Malbaar was probably from the Malabar Coast owned by Gouverneur Johan Bax.25 On 24 January 1677 Anniecka van Bengale was Bengal owned by Gouverneur Johan Bax.8 |
- [S428] Website Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) "In 1669 is Joan Bax op 32-jarige leeftijd met Aletta Hinloopen (1649-1680), de dochter van die Jacob Fransz. Hinlopen getrouwd in Batavia.
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Bax_van_Herenthals, last accessed 13 Dec 2014." - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: Anno 1676
Den 26 dito, Joanna Cornelia
Joannes Leuwensen en Cornelia Paauw
Deffoor Cornelissen en Joanna van Ommeren
in welke plaets gestaen
heeft de Heer Gouverneur
Johan Bax, en Aletta
van Hinloopen syn huijsvrouw, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). - [S816] Website dbnl digitale biblioitheek nederlandse letteren (http://www.dbnl.org/index.php) "29 Juni 1678 overleed hij na een korte ongesteldheid.
http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/molh003nieu03_01/…, last accessed 13 Dec 2014." - [S428] Website Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) "Johan Bax van Herenthals (?, 1637 – 29 juni 1678, Kaapstad)
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Bax_van_Herenthals, last accessed 13 Dec 2014." - [S428] Website Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) "...ook geschreven als Joan Bax, en van Herentals...
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Bax_van_Herenthals, last accessed 13 Dec 2014." - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1676
Den 5 Julij, Wilhelm Maurits
Hieronymus Kroese en Aeltie Elberts
De Heer Johan Bax Gouverneur en Aletta van Hinlopen syn huijsvrouw, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Ao. 1677
Den selfden dito (24 Jan)
Antonij een slaven kint van de Ed:Heer Gouvern: J. Bax
Michiel en Constantie van Bengale
Jacobus en Maria, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Ao. 1677
Den selfden dito (24 Jan)
David, een slavinne kint van de E:Heer Gouvern. J.Bax
de vader een onbekent christen, de moeder Anniecka van Bengale
Arent Solkens van Amsterdam en Maria, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ - [S788] Webpage Tanap (http://databases.tanap.net/) "Reference code: C. 5, pp. 89-91.
Dingsdagh den 31en December ao. 1669." - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), p. 132. 10.6.1676: Steven from Caste [Coast]Malabar, sold by Governor Johan Bax to the Rev. Petrus Hlllsenaar for Rds. 95.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Kaapse notariële stukke waarin slawe van vryburgers en amptenare vermeld word (II), Die tweede Dekade 1671-1680", Kronos (Die notariële stukke II) 15 (1999): 10.6.1676 [Verlore]
Goewerneur Johan Bax verkoop aan ds Petrus Hulsenaar die slaaf Steven van Caste Malabar vir 95 Rds.. Hereinafter cited as "Die notariële stukke II." - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 132. 8.7.1676: Claas Caste, sold by Governor Johan Bax to Alexander Blanck for Rds.95.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 20.11.1676 [Verlore]
Goewerneur Bax verkoop aan St Martin vir die gebruik van Anthoni van Bengale, ‘vrij ingesetene alhier,’ die slaaf Baddou van Bali vir 50 Rds. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 132: 20.11.1676: Baddou from Bali, sold by Governor Bax to St. Martin for the use of Anthoni from Bengal "vrij ingesetene alhier" for Rds. 50.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 5.3.1677 TS I,g.p.
EH. Johannes Bax genaamt van Herentals, goewerneur alhier, verkoop aan Martinus van Banchem, onderkoopman en sekretaris alhier die slavin Magdalena van die kus van Bengale vir 60 Rds. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. Christina Casta [Coast] from Bengal, sold by Governor Bax to the merchant J an Focqueiner for Rds. 60.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 5.3.1677 TS I, g.p.
Ed Hr Johan Bax genaamt van Herentals, goewerneur alhier, verkoop aan die edele Jan Focquieren[?], koopman, die slavin Christina van Bengale vir 60 Rds. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 133. 11.4.1677: Johan Casta [Coast], sold by Governor Jo(h)an Bax to WiIlem Schalk for Rds.60.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 11.4.1677 [Verlore, TS I]
Goewerneur Joan Bax verkoop aan Willem Schalk die slaaf Johan Casta … vir 60 Rds. [Nagesien] - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S606] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "A.J. Böeseken se Addendum van Kaapse slawe-verkoopstransaksies: Foute en regstellings", Kronos (Foute en regstellings) 9 (1984): Theunis Dircxse, soos dit in die akte gedateer 17.6.1677 voorkom, word in die addendum (p. 134) goedsmoeds verander na “Theunis Jansz van Schalwijk” en Gysbert Willemsz (1.10.1677) weer na “Leendert Willemsz”. In geeneen van die betrokke dokumente is daar enigiets wat sodanige veranderings regverdig.. Hereinafter cited as "Foute en regstellings."
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.134. 17.6.1677: A slave called Tomee sold by Governor Jo(h)an Bax to Theunis Jansz van Schalkwijck for Rds. 60.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.135; 27.1.1678: Andries Caste, a slave belonging to Governor Bax, was provided for by his owner and apprenticed to the shoemaker Barent Corne1is Backer, who was to sign a contract that he would teach Andries his trade. For the first year Andries was to work for food and clothes; in the second year he would receive in addition f 9 a month; in the third year f 12 a month. If he remained with Backer, his wages would increase each year. He would become free if this arrangement were not kept.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 27.1.1678 TS 3, g.p.
Barent Cornelisz Backer, vryskoenmaker alhier, neem in sy diens Andries Casta, die lyfeie van die goewerneur Johan Bax van Herentals vir die tydperk van driejaar, vanaf 1 Januarie 1678 tot 31 Desember 1680, onder die volgende voorwaardes, eerstens dat hy die lyfeie in sy diens sal neem en hom die ambag van skoenmaker leer, dat hy die slaaf ook gedurende die eerste jaar van die nodige lewensmiddele sal voorsien, die tweede jaar benewens kos hom ook maandeliks f 9 en die laastejaar kos en f 12 per maand. Hy sal die slaaf sodanig onderrig dat hy na die verstryking van die drie jaar ten volle bekwaam sal wees tot die am bag, daaronder word verstaan die sny van skoene. Na afloop van die drie jaar, as Backer geneë is om hom in diens te neem, sal hy verplig wees om hom van jaar tot jaar meer gasie en geld te gee. Backer neem die voorwaardes aan sonder om verplig te wees om die slaaf langer as die drie jaar aan te neem. [Barent Kornelius Backer.] - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Ao. 1677
Den selfden dito (24 Jan)
Domingo, een slaven kint van de Ed:Heer Gouvern. Joan Bax
Antonij van Malbaar en Helena van Malbaar
Louwijs en Maria, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/