NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 |
NGK (Cape Town) Marriages1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Marriages 1665-1695 |
Last Edited | 20/10/2021 |
BirthOrigin* | Lysbeth was from Bengal and was perhaps born there circa 1643. She was said to be 30 years old when baptised in 1673.1,2,3 |
Baptism | Lysbeth van Bengale was baptized on 29 October 1673 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.1 |
Marriage* | She married Anthonij de Later van Japan on 5 November 1673 (Cape Town).4 |
Family 1 | Hendrick Hagens b. c 1635 |
Children |
Family 2 | Jan Coenraad Visser b. c 1620, d. c 1700 |
Child |
Family 3 | |
Children |
Family 4 | Anthonij de Later van Japan b. 1641/42 |
Children |
(Slave) ShipVoyage | On 4 December 1656 the Amersfoort, Wapen van Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Wapen van Holland, Westfriesland and Prins Willem, ships of the return fleet, left Batavia enroute to the Cape where they docked on 21 February 1657. The Prins Willem brought the recently convicted and banished slave Catharina van Paliacatta, while the Amersfoort brought the slaves Angela van Bengale, Elisabeth van Bengale, Jan van Bengale, Claes van Bengale and Anna van Bengalen.5 |
Arrival* | On 21 February 1657, Lysbeth van Bengale arrived at the Cape from Batavia on board the on board one of the vessels of the return fleet which were Prins Willem, Het Wapen van Amsterdam, West Vriesland, Amersfoort, Wapen van Holland and Dordrecht.6 |
Emigration* | After 8 November 1673 Lysbeth van Bengale and Anthonij de Later van Japan emigrated to Batavia from de Caep de Goede Hoop, with their children: Abraham van de Caep, Elisabet van de Caep, Theuntje van de Caep, Anthonij van de Caep, Jan van de Caeb and Maria van de Caep.7 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 6 September 1665, the name of Lysbeth was written in the record as Lisabeth NN.8 1 September 1670, the name of Lysbeth was written in the record as Elisabeth van Bangale, Bangale is clearly an error for Bengale.9 29 October 1673, the name of Lysbeth was written in the record as Elisabeth van Bengale.1 |
Monsterrollen and Opgaafrollen (Muster and tax rolls) | On 15 February 1658 Maria de la Queillerie was enumerated in the muster roll, among the women and children as the wife of the commander, along with their three children, Lambertus van Riebeeck, Abraham van Riebeeck and Maria van Riebeeck. They were recorded with three personal slaves, most likely Meijndert van Antongil, Eva van Madagascar and Lysbeth van Bengale.10 On 15 February 1658 Maria de la Queillerie was enumerated in the muster roll, among the women and children as the wife of the commander, Johan Anthoniszoon van Riebeeck, along with their three children, Lambertus van Riebeeck, Abraham van Riebeeck and Maria van Riebeeck. They were recorded with three personal slaves, most likely Meijndert van Antongil, Eva van Madagascar and Lysbeth van Bengale.10 In 1673 Lysbeth van Bengale and Anthonij de Later van Japan were enumerated in the muster roll, with six children, presumably Abraham van de Caep, Elisabet van de Caep, Theuntje van de Caep, Anthonij van de Caep, Maria van de Caep and Jan van de Caeb.11 |
Slave Transactions | After 21 February 1657 Lysbeth van Bengale was sold by Rear-Admiral Pieter Kemp to Johan Anthoniszoon van Riebeeck de Caep de Goede Hoop.12,5 Between 28 November 1665 and 18 June 1668 when Lysbeth van Bengale and Maria da Costa van Bengale were sold by Maria Prignon, widow of Ds. Petrus Wachtendorp, to Jacob van Borghorst they were either sold or passed along with their households by the incumbent ministers to their successors, who were Ds. Joan van Arckel, Dom:e Joannes de Voogd and Ds. Petrus Wachtendorp.13 After 18 June 1668 Abraham van Guinea was sold along with Maria da Costa van Bengale and Lysbeth van Bengale by Maria Prignon the widow of the minister Ds. Petrus Wachtendorp for f 660. Included in the transaction were Lijsbet's two unnamed children, probably Anna Pieters and Anthonij van de Caep. The purchaser was the incoming commander Jacob van Borghorst.14 ![]() On 31 December 1669 Andries van der Kust Coromandel, Claas Gerrits van Bengale, Mathijs van Angola, Anthonij Jansz van Bengale, Jeronimus van Coromandel, Titus van Bengale, Baddou van Bali, Ventura van Ceylon, Claesje van Angola, Abraham van Guinea, Maria da Costa van Bengale and Lysbeth van Bengale were sold by the departing commander Jacob van Borghorst to the Company for f 2 842:10:-, the amount he had originally paid for them. Included in the sale were three children, who, because they fit the profile, I have for the present presumed to be Lysbeth van de Caep, Anna Pieters and Anthonij van de Caep; the first the child of Pollecij/Maaij Claesje van Angola and the third and fourth the daughter and son of Lijsbeth van Bengale. However, at least some of these slaves came into the possession of Joan Bax van Herentals, Borghorst's successor.15 ![]() |
Slave Emancipations | Lysbeth van Bengale was emancipated, perhaps by Luitenant Johannes Coon, before 29 October 1673, when she was baptised as a free person.1 |
Slaves owned by individuals | Before 4 December 1656 Lysbeth van Bengale was owned by Rear-Admiral Pieter Kemp.6 |
Slaves Owned by the Company | On 6 September 1665 Lysbeth van Bengale was enslaved and owned by the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) at the Cape.8 |
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: ao 1673
dito (29 dito (October))
Twee bejaarde Vrouwe-Personen, waar van d'een genaamt wierd Catharina van Malbaar out 36 Jaren: d'ander Elisabeth van Bengalen out ontrent de 30 Jaren, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). - [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar), 1665-1695: Den 5 November
Anthonij de Later van Japan en Lysbeth van Bengale, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar). - [S21] Date estimated by compiler, Delia Robertson and, unless there is corroborating information, should not be considered as anything more than a guide - Date estimate based on the statement in the baptismal record that Elisabeth van Bengalen was one of two "twee bejaarde Vrouwe-Personen ... out omtrent de 30 Jaren".
- [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar): Den 5 November [1673]
Anthonij de Later van Japan en Lysbeth van Bengale, May 2006, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S815] Mansell G. Upham 'Documented Slave Arrivals at the Cape of Good Hope (1652-1677)', First Fifty Years, Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), (Unpublished), 16 November 2014. "21 February 1657: Return Fleet ex Batavia arrives:
Prins Willem brings exiled convict (Company slave)
Catharina (Groote Catrijn) van Paliacatta [Pulicat]
Amersfoort brings 5 private slaves
Angela / Engela (Maaij Ansela / Moeder Jagt) van Bengale [sold to Jan van Riebeeck]
Elisabeth (Lijsbeth) van Bengale [misrecorded as Domingo [sic] - sold to Jan van Riebeeck]
Jan van Bengale [sold to Jan Vetteman]
Claes van Bengale [sold to Jochum Cornelisz: Blancq (from Lübeck)]
Anna van Bengale [sold to Jochum Cornelisz: Blancq (from Lübeck)]." - [S657] Mansell Upham 'Hell and Paradise... Hope on Constantia / De Hel en Het Paradijs... De Hoop op Constantia: Jan Grof (died ante 1700) and his extended family at the Cape of Good Hope', First Fifty Years, Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), (, February 2012. "Likely belonging - together with Maaij Ans(i)ela [Angela / Engela van Bengale] - to a VOC official, Lijsbeth van Bengale left Batavia (4 December 1656) with the Company's return fleet (Prins Willem, Het Wapen van Amsterdam, West Vriesland, Amersfoort, Wapen van Holland and Dordrecht) under the command of Admiral Matthys Crab, Vice-Admiral Pieter Hackius [later Cape commander (25 March 1670-1 December 1671] and Lijsbeths owner and master, the rear-admiral Pieter Kemp."
- [S657] Mansell Upham 'UL04 Hell and Paradise', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "marries Cape 5 November 1673 Anthonij de Later van Japan, widower of Annica van Bengale relocates with family to Batavia (1673)."
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Noch van de Slavinnen kinderen der Ed. Oostjndesche
de Moeder Catharina, diens kind is genaamt Petronella
de moeder Helena, diens kindt Joannes
de moeder Lisabeth, diens kind Anthonij
de moeder Catharina, diens kind Anthonij
de moeder Francyn, diens kind Pietertje
de moeder Ciciliaa, diens kind [Floor]ci [sic Flanci]
de moeder [H]oddo [sic Koddo], diens kinderen Maria, Derkje
een slavinne zoon van W.Mostaart diens naam Sabba, het kind Dirik, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1670
Den 1[4/9] Sept
een dochterke van Elisabeth van Bangale, wiert genaamt Maria tot getuyge stonden, Anthoni en Catharyn, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S647] Precis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Letters Despatched 1652-1662 to which are added land grants, attestations, Journal of voyage to Tristan da Cunha, names of freemen, &c. Vol III, H.C.V. Leibrandt; (Cape Town, South Africa: W.A. Richards & Sons, Government Printers, 1900), p.293.. Hereinafter cited as Precis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope.
- [S780] Monsterrol van de vrije luijden 1673 for de Caep de Goede Hoop (Cape Town) (Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch "Jacob Rosendael en Catrijn van den Bergh 2 k.
Antonij van Japan en Lijsbt van Bengalen 6 k.
Louis, vrije zwart". (The monsterrolle or muster rolls were in effect a population census. In my view they were likely based on ships' musters of the period.). - [S657] Mansell Upham 'UL04 Hell and Paradise', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "As one of numerous privately owned slaves owned by Van Riebeeck, Lijsbeth was not alone."
- [S657] Mansell Upham 'UL04 Hell and Paradise', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713),.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), pp. 31.The widow of the Rev. Petrus Wachtendorp sold Borghorst a male slave named Serry [Abraham/Abram] who came from Guinea, together with two female slaves and two children, not mentioned by name, for f 660. In footnote 45 on this page, Böeseken notes that on his departure from the Cape in April 1670, Borghorst sold twelve slaves, including Serry, to the Company for f 2 842:10:-.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S788] Webpage Tanap ( "Reference code: C. 5, pp. 89-91.
Dingsdagh den 31en December ao. 1669." - [S654] Mansell Upham 'What can't be cured, must be endured … Cape of Good Hope - first marriages & baptisms (1652-1665)', First Fifty Years, Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), (, January 2012. "17 July 1659:
baptism: 2 infants by Ds. Cornelius Janso(o)nius
[?] Likely son of Lijsbeth van Bengale
Den 15:en julij a:o 1659 gearriveert 't schip genaemt Het Hoff van Zeelant, daer op was een predikant genaemt Cornelius Jansoonius van wegen de camer van Zeelant om naer India te varen.
Den 17:en d:o heeft do:e Jansoonius sijn eerste predicatie gedaen ende gedoopt twee kinderen, een vande sarijchant bescheiden op 't Slot van Hooningen is genaemt Martijnus, het ander van een slaevin is genaemt Heindrick Godt geeft datse tot zijne naems eere mogen opwassen." - [S654] Mansell Upham 'UL01 What can't be cured, must be endured …', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "b4[?] Jacob Hendrixe: [van] Hagen(s) / Hages / Hagis born Cape c. 1661; baptized Cape 28 August 1661."
- [S654] Mansell Upham 'UL01 What can't be cured, must be endured …', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "Maria [Hendri(c)ks:?/?Hendrix:] van de Caep (c. 1657[?]-1720) - [?] illegitimate private slave-born halfslag daughter of Elisabeth (Lijsbeth) van Bengale; half-sister to halfslag Margaretha Jans: Vissers van de Caep, [?] halfslag Jacob Hendricksz: Hagen(s) / Hages / Hagis & [?] halfslag Anna Pieters:."
- [S657] Mansell Upham 'UL04 Hell and Paradise', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "b5 Anna [Anna Pieters / Pyters van Batavia alias Anna Liberta?] baptized 2 September 1663."
- [S654] Mansell Upham 'UL01 What can't be cured, must be endured …', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "[?] illegitimate private slave-born halfslag daughter of Elisabeth (Lijsbeth) van Bengale."
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1672
Den 19 October
een soontje van Anthoni de Later van Japan en Lyesbeth van Bang' wiert genaamt Jan, tot getuyge stont Anthoni Cobin, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch