Exceptional reading for those interested in the early settlement at the Cape
As stated on the main page, a primary goal of the First Fifty Years project is to publish information about the early decades at Cabo da boa Esperança in a way that links the protagonists of the day to each other through their relationships of whatever nature, their actions, and through the events that impacted them, directly or indirectly. But this is just part of coming to understand and appreciate the people and the period. Another equally important element is the work done by researchers steeped in the period who through their writing share their intimate knowledge of the time, the people, and their places.
And so FFY brings you Remarkable Writing - a section devoted to articles of high merit, whether about individual families, records, language, or practices of the time.
We invite contributions of original research and writing relevant to written record / archivalia / primary (and other) sources covered by FFY.
Please see our Guidelines: Contributions for ‘Remarkable Writing'
Important notice about copyright and distribution rights
Copyright and distribution rights of the books and articles available from Remarkable Writing rest with Remarkable Writing and the authors/compilers/translators, etc.
You may download copies for your personal use, and you can transcribe the data into your own research, but you may not extract sections beyond what is permissable under international guidelines for fair use.
You may not share or distribute the books or articles either in printed or digital format.
Delia Robertson