Slave Transactions | After 18 June 1668 Claas Gerrits van Bengale, Mathijs van Angola, Anthonij Jansz van Bengale, Andries van der Kust Coromandel, Jeronimus van Coromandel, Titus van Bengale and Baddou van Bali were sold by departing Commandeur Cornelis van Quaelbergen to his successor Jacob van Borghorst. The price paid was f 1 680.2 On 31 December 1669 Andries van der Kust Coromandel, Claas Gerrits van Bengale, Mathijs van Angola, Anthonij Jansz van Bengale, Jeronimus van Coromandel, Titus van Bengale, Baddou van Bali, Ventura van Ceylon, Claesje van Angola, Abraham van Guinea, Maria da Costa van Bengale and Lysbeth van Bengale were sold by the departing commander Jacob van Borghorst to the Company for f 2 842:10:-, the amount he had originally paid for them. Included in the sale were three children, who, because they fit the profile, I have for the present presumed to be Lysbeth van de Caep, Anna Pieters and Anthonij van de Caep; the first the child of Pollecij/Maaij Claesje van Angola and the third and fourth the daughter and son of Lijsbeth van Bengale. However, at least some of these slaves came into the possession of Joan Bax van Herentals, Borghorst's successor.3 |