Isbrand Gosken
M, #7929, b. circa 1640
NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 |
NGK (Cape Town) Marriages1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Marriages 1665-1695 |
Last Edited | 15/08/2010 |
Birth* | Isbrand Gosken was born circa 1640 in Nederland.1 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 6 April 1663, the name of Isbrand was written in the record as d'E Hr Gijsbrant Goske. |
Baptisms - Witness | D'E Hr Gijsbrant Goske and d'E Hr Vice-Admirael Leonard Winnincx, d'E Hr Coenraet Klincke, Juffvrouw Susanna van de Couter, Juffvrou Maria Trompers and Dom:e Balthasar de Metre witnessed the baptism of Virena Klincke on 6 April 1663 Jacht Durgerdam anchored in Table Bay.1,2 He and Maria Wagenaar witnessed the baptism of Henriette Lacus on 23 August 1665 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.3 ![]() He and E. Heer Laurens Pit and Johannes Grawins witnessed the baptism of Laurens Alexander Pit on 30 June 1675 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.4 He and Anna van der Meer witnessed the baptism of Hendrick Crudop on 1 September 1675 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.5 |
Notes | On 31 October 1672 some delegates sent by Gonnoma of the Cochoquas who were also relatives of Kkarré of the Cochoquas, Dhaurrij of the Cochoquas, Ttentshe of the Cochoquas, Chamtagou of the Cochoquas and Achtonij of the Cochoquas, the five Cochoqua banished to Robben Island, came to the Fort to offer the governor Isbrand Gosken, ten choice cattle as a ransom in exchange for their relatives. The governor refused to meet with them nor were they successful in securing the freedom of their kin.6 On 6 January 1673 the governor Isbrand Gosken despatched two horsemen to search the shoreline, as far as the beach opposite Robben Island, for the five fugitive Khoe, namely Kkarré of the Cochoquas, Dhaurrij of the Cochoquas, Ttentshe of the Cochoquas, Chamtagou of the Cochoquas and Achtonij of the Cochoquas. Although the journal and resolutions are silent on the outcome of the search, a notation was added to the original sentence that the boat had been found and the fugitives were deemed to have landed safely. They thereafter disappear from the record. It is not inconceivable however, that they were able to make their way to their people and thereafter successfully hidden from the settlers.7 |
Slave Transactions | In 1675 Louis van Nagapatnam was sold by Isbrand Gosken to Theunis Dircksen van Schalckwyck, a condition of the sale was that Louis would be freed after eight years.8 Anthoni, Carel and Alexander were sold by d'E Hr Gijsbrant Goske, to Cornelis Stevens Botma on 11 November 1675, for Rds 270. It is possible that additional identifying information will surface as I add records. It may be that Goske acquired the three individuals from his predecessor(s.)9,10 |
Slave Emancipations | In 1671 de Caep de Goede Hoop Louis van Bengale purchased his own freedom after Hendrik Lacus his owner, was found guilty of fraud. The right to do so was granted by visiting Commissioner d'E Hr Gijsbrant Goske however he did not have enough money and it took him a year to persuade the authorities to accept as sufficient the sum of 50 reals, which was all he had.11 |
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: Denselfden do [April Anno 1663, den 6en do] heeft Dome de Metre aen boort gedoopt, het kint van den E.Hr Admirael Herman Klincke, ende is genaemt Virena; de ghetuigen sijn d'E Hr Vice-Admirael Leonard Winnincx, en d'E Hr Gijsbrant Goske, voor d'E Hr Coenraet Kllincke, en juffvrouw Susanna van de Couter, en Juffvrou Maria Trompers. Godt de Heere geeft dat dit ghedoopte kint tot sijns naems eere mach opwassen., transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.).
- [S574] H.C.V. Leibbrandt Compiler, (Castle Street, Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1901), 6 April 1663 Arrival of the fluit Durgerdam from Amsterdam. Had left the 29th?November last with 165 men, sailors and soldiers. Eight died during?the voyage. And as she brought the Reverend ?e Meter, the child of the wife of Mr. Klenk, born on the voyage between Batavia and the Cape, will be baptized on board the Admiral's ship.. Hereinafter cited as Journal 1662-1670 - Zacharias Wagenaer.
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): den 23 August 1665 een dochter van
Henrik Lacus by Lidia de Paper zyn huis
vrouw, wierd genaamt Henriette: als
getuigen stonden Isbrand Gosken en
Maria Wagenaar, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar), 1665-1695: ao' 1675
Den 30 dito (Junij) een soontie van Arnoldus Pi[. ] onderkoopman op het hier ter ze[ ] leggende schip de Alexunder en sijn huysvrouw Anna de Langhe het kint wierde genaamt Lauren[s] Alexander. als getuygen stonde[N] in plaats van E. Heer Laurens Pit[ ] ordinaru Raad van India Johannes Grawins en d'E. heer Gouverneur Isbrant Goske., transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar). - [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar): ao' 1675
Den i Septemb' een soontie van Sr. Hendrick Crudop en Juffr Catharina de Vooght de naam was Hendrick 't getuygeniss wierd beg.. bij d'E. heer Gouverneur ijsbrant Goske en Juffr. Anna vander Moer Wede wylen de Predikant Adrianus de Vooght, May 2006, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S664] H.C.V. Leibbrandt Compiler, (Castle Street, Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1902), p.85. Some Hottentoos of Gounema's kraals and relatives of the five convicts on Robben Island this day offered the Governor ten beautiful choice head of cattle as a ransom for the five, but they could obtain neither audience nor their wish.. Hereinafter cited as Journal 1671-1674, 1676.
- [S664] H.C.V. Leibbrandt Compiler, Journal 1671-1674, 1676, p.104. The Governor being curious to know what had become of the five fugitive Hottentoos, despatched two horsemen along the shore, as far as the beach opposite Robben Island to look for them.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), p. 140. 5.10.1683: Louis from Nagapatnam (30) liberated by Thcunis Dircx van Schalckwijck, bought by him from Isbrand Goske in 1675 on condition that he would liberate him after he had served him for 8 years.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.131. 11.11.1675: Anthoni, Carel and Alexander sold by Isbrand Goske to Cornelis Stevensz for Rds. 270. [I have assumed the purchaser was Cornelis Stevensz: Botma - corrections welcome.]
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Kaapse notariële stukke waarin slawe van vryburgers en amptenare vermeld word (II), Die tweede Dekade 1671-1680", Kronos (Die notariële stukke II) 15 (1999): 11.11.1675 [Verlore]
Isbrand Goske verkoop aan Cornelis Stevensz die slawe Anthoni, Carel en Alexander vir 270 Rds.. Hereinafter cited as "Die notariële stukke II." - [S326] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die Blanke Nageslag van Louis van Bengale en Lijsbeth van die Kaap", Kronos (Die Blanke nageslag . . .) 1 (1979). Hereinafter cited as "Die Blanke nageslag."