Willemina van Mauritius
F, #10001, b. 8 February 1693, d. 1713
Mother-Putative* | Iba van Timor1 b. c 1660 |
NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 |
Last Edited | 23/01/2017 |
Birth | Willemina van Mauritius was born circa 1677 in Mauritius.1,2 |
Marriage* | She married Pieter Christiaan de Jager on 19 February 1696 Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.3 |
Death* | She died in 1713 de Caep de Goede Hoop, in the smallpox epidemic.4 |
Family | Pieter Christiaan de Jager b. c 1660, d. 1715 |
Children |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 19 February 1696, the name of Willemina was written in the record as Ermina Karelse.3 30 September 1696, the name of Willemina was written in the record as Hermina Karelse.5 24 May 1699, the name of Willemina was written in the record as Hermina Carels.6 25 October 1699, the name of Willemina was written in the record as Tremena de Jaager.7 6 February 1707, the name of Willemina was written in the record as Harmina Carelsz.8 |
Baptisms | Willemina van Mauritius was baptized on 8 February 1693 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.9 |
Baptisms - Witness | Willemina van Mauritius and Pieter Christiaan de Jager witnessed the baptism of Willem Paasen on 7 June 1699 Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town).10 She potentially witnessed the baptism of Maria Johanna Erasmus on 25 October 1699 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop, this witness has not been positively identified.7 ![]() She and Hermen Buys witnessed the baptism of Larius Erasmus on 6 February 1707 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.8 ![]() She and Gerrit Claas witnessed the baptism of Hendrik Lodewyk Wiederholt on 17 April 1707 de Caep de Goede Hoop.11 |
- [S681] Mansell Upham 'Pai Timor - the 'accomodatory' life and times of a 17th century exiled slave family from Timor', First Fifty Years, Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), (http://e-family.co.za/ffy/ui66.htm), July 2012.
- [S33] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K (Cape Town / Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1966), p. 357. Hereinafter cited as Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K.
- [S502] Website Family Search (www.familysearch.org) "19 Feb 1696 Sijn inde Huwelijcks staet bevestigt Pieter Christiaen met Ermina Karels
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-267-11116-195133-1, last accessed 24 May 2012
[My thanks to Jansi Syfert for assistance with this transcription.]." - [S681] Mansell Upham 'Uprooted Lives 05 Pai Timor', Uprooted Lives - Unfurling the Cape of Good Hope's Earliest Colonial Inhabitants (1652-1713), "dies 1713 (smallpox epidemic)."
- [S734] VC 604, NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town), (1695-1712), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/, http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town).
- [S502] Website Family Search (www.familysearch.org) "... Hermina Carels ..."
- [S408] Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Baptisms., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Baptism Register, Le 25 Octobre 1699; Marie hanna fille de Pierre Rassemus et de marie Elizabet Le temoins et pierre Christiaans de Jaager Tremena de jaager Wal.... Hereinafter cited as Drakenstein I Baptisms.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, 1707; Den 6de February; Larius; d' Vader Pieter ERasmus [...], de Moeder Maria Elisabetz, getuygen Hermanus Buijs, en Harmina Carelsz.
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: 1693
den 8 Dito sijn diese ondergescrevene personen op hare voor
gaende belijdenisse door het sacrament van
den H: Doop Christi Kerke ingelijks
Isaac van Bengalen met Catharina van Bengalen
Willemina van Mauritius met Catrina van Mauritius, ende Maria Elisab[ ]
van de Caep, alle vrhliede alhier, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). - [S734] VC 604, NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town): Eodem: die [7 Jun 1699] van Jacobus Paase en Barbara de Jonghe, onder getuygen van Pieter Christiaense en Ermina Carels, gent: - Willem, 1695-1712, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/
- [S734] VC 604, NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town): Eodem dito [17 Apr 1707] van Willem Lodewyk Wiederholt a Wiedenholden], en Hendrina Wittebols, onder getuijgen van Gerrit Claassen en [Heremina] [Kalesse] gent: - Hendrik, 1695-1712, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/
- [S502] Website Family Search (www.familysearch.org) "30 Septb: [1696] gedoopt het kint van Pieter Christejanse de Jager en Hermina Karelse onder getuijgen van Lodewijck Widerhold en margareta Janse genaemt Antonetta.
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/…, last accessed 24 May 2012
[My thanks to Jansi Syfert for this transcription.]." - [S33] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K, p. 359.
- [S34] J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 4 J-K (Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1992), p.52, 62. Hereinafter cited as S.A. Genealogies 4 J-K.
- [S34] J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, S.A. Genealogies 4 J-K, p. 63.