Helena Vosloo1
F, #8648, b. before 1 August 1694, d. before 5 June 1732
Father-Putative* | Johann Vosloo b. c 1649, d. bt 22 Jan 1732 - 31 Dec 1732; putative relationship, with a view toward further discovery in the record.2,3 |
Mother-Candidate* | Nantsana van Madagascar b. c 1665; candidate relationship, offered with a view toward further discovery in the record.5 |
Mother-Disproved | Helena van Malabar b. c 1675/76; In his 1707 application to manumit his putative daughter Lena (Helena), Jan Vosloo stated she was the daughter of a company slave assigned to look after him in the forest when he was the master woodcutter/carpenter (Baes Timmerman), a position he no longer held. Helena van Malabar was privately owned by him and would not have been assigned by the company to assist him. She had in any case, already been manumitted by him in 1696, which he could not have done if she was company owned.4 |
NGK Drakenstein Baptisms 1694-1732 | NGK Drakenstein Baptisms 1694-1732 |
Last Edited | 03/11/2019 |
Slave Birth - Company Owned | Helena Vosloo was born in bondage before 1 August 1694 and was owned by the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie), Slave Lodge, de Caep de Goede Hoop.6 |
BaptismCandidate | Helena Vosloo may be the individual who was baptized on 1 August 1694 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.7 |
Marriage* | She married Joannes Pretorius, son of Johannes Pretorius and Joanna Victors, before 21 March 1711 de Caep de Goede Hoop. The marriage is assumed because the practice at the time was to record if the parents of the child were not married, and in this instance there was no such notation. Many Drakenstein church records have been lost.8 |
Death* | She died before 5 June 1732 de Caep de Goede Hoop.9 |
Family | Joannes Pretorius b. b 22 Aug 1680, d. b 5 Jun 1732 |
Children |
(Spouse) Inventory | Joannes's estate was inventoried on 5 June 1732 Zanddrift, Kleine Berg Revier. His wife, Helena Vosloo, was not included in the inventory and it is assumed she predeceased him. His children, Joannes Pretorius, Gerrit Pretorius, Wessel Pretorius, Johanna Pretorius, Anna Pretorius, Lodewicùs Pretorius, Jacobùs Pretorius, Arnoldùs Krùijsman Pretorius, Willem Sterrenberg Pretorius and Wýnand Pretorius were all named as the beneficiaries of his estate. It was recorded that they ranged in age from 22- to 2-years-old.10 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 12 November 1712, the name of Helena was written in the record as Helena Voslo.11 30 September 1714, the name of Helena was written in the record as Helena Vosloo.12 8 November 1716, the name of Helena was written in the record as Helena Vosloo.12 2 October 1718, the name of Helena was written in the record as Lena Vosloo.13 31 August 1721, the name of Helena was written in the record as Lena Vosloo.14 27 February 1724, the name of Helena was written in the record as Maghdalena Vosloo.15 24 February 1726, the name of Helena was written in the record as Leena Vosloo.16 11 July 1728, the name of Helena was written in the record as Helena Vosloo.17 7 October 1730, the name of Helena was written in the record as Magdalena Vosloo.18 |
Baptisms - Witness | Helena Vosloo and Joannes Pretorius and Joannes Pretorius witnessed the baptism of Arnoldùs Vosloo on 27 August 1724 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.19![]() |
Monsterrollen and Opgaafrollen (Muster and tax rolls) | April 1720 Joannes Pretorius was enumerated on the opgaafrol (census/tax roll) in Drakenstein District, with his wife Helena Vosloo. He was also enumerated with three sons and two daughters who would have been Joannes Pretorius, Gerrit Pretorius and Wessel Pretorius, Johanna Pretorius and Anna Pretorius. Three unnamed male slaves were included in the record. He was said to own 86 cattle, 400 sheep and four pigs.20 1723 Joannes Pretorius was enumerated on the opgaafrol (census/tax roll) in Drakenstein District, with his wife Helena Vosloo. He was recorded with four sons and two daughters, Joannes Pretorius, Gerrit Pretorius, Wessel Pretorius and Lodewicùs Pretorius, Johanna Pretorius and Anna Pretorius.21 |
Slave Emancipations | Helena Vosloo was emancipated by Johannes Vosloo, on 10 April 1708 de Caep de Goede Hoop. Vosloo, her putative father, had filed a petition for her emancipation on 1 November 1707.22,23 |
- [S325] Lorna Newcomb and Ockert Malan, compilers, Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM (Stellenbosch) Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register, … d'Moeder Helena Vosloo …. Hereinafter cited as Palmkronieke I Baptisms.
- [S415] Mansell Upham, "Johann Vosloo", Capensis (Johann Vosloo - reworked 2014) 3/2001, Western Cape Branch, Genealogical Society of South Africa, (2014): p. 6-11. Investigation thus far, reveals that Johann Vosloo appears possibly to have been more (openly?) liberal than most free-burghers and Company officials at the Cape of Good Hope in the early colonial period in his dealings with the slave women at hand - either his own or those belonging to others and/or the Company. Johann Vosloo appears to have fathered at least 6 children by 6 different slave women:
(1) Marla Vosloo (mother unknown)
(2) Jannetje (mother: Helena van Malabar)
(3) Helena / Lena Vosloo (mother unknown Company slave)
(4) Casper Vosloo (Apollonia)
(5) Jobannes Vosloo (Constantia?)
(6) Catrijn (Catrijn van Madagascar). Hereinafter cited as "Johann Vosloo." - [S325] Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Lorna:
Johannes =22.9.1680 s/v Johannes Pretorius en Johanna Victor; x Helena d/v 'n onbekende Kompanjie slavin. Jan Vosloo was heelmoontlik Helena se vader alhoewel hy dit nooit erken het nie. - [S547] Daniel Jacobs, Die Vosloos, Nuttige Landsburgers, Deel II, Familie Register (40 Heerengracht, Cape Town: Ton Vosloo, 2003), Part I, p.82. Helena van Malabar en haar dogtertjie Jannetie is op 20 November 1696 vrygestel.35 Op 1 November 1707 het Jan Vosloo in 'n petisie, waarin hy na homself as die gewese baashoutkapper verwys, aan die Politieke Raad genoem dat Lena, 'n slawemeisie, sowat tien of elf jaar vroeër in sy huis gebore is. Hy meld ook dat die ma 'n Kompanjieslavin was, wat in die bos na hom omgesien het. Vir Helena om 'n dogter van Helena van Malabar te kon wees, moes Helena van Malabar dus 'n Kompanjieslavin gewees het. Die feit dat sy egter deur Jan Vosloo vrygestel is, beteken dat sy Jan se persoonlike slavin was. Hy sou immers nie 'n Kompanjieslavin kon vrystel nie
p. 33-34 'n Interessante brokkie inligting, wat deur die meeste vorige navorsers misgekyk is, kom voor in sy laaste testament wat op 22 Januarie 1732, kort voor sy dood, opgestel is. Daarin word na hom verwys as "den burger Johannes Vosloo van Plettenberg, omtrent Lippstadt geboortig".
p.42. IN JAN VOSLOO se testament, gedateer 31 Oktober 1719, word genoem dat hy in daardie stadium "out omtrent de 70 Jaaren" was. Dit beteken dus dat hy omstreeks 1649 gebore is... Hereinafter cited as Die Vosloos, Nuttige Landsburgers, Register. - [S415] Mansell Upham, "Johann Vosloo", b1 Helena (Lena) van de Caap / Helena Vosloo (mother: Company slave Nantsana van Madagascar?) born 1696.
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: Ao 1694
dito (1 Augus:) van Comp: slavinnen kinderen gedoopt
een kind van Lijsbeth van de Caap, Dirk hal[fslagh]
een kind van Elisabeth van de Caap, Maria.
een kind van Maria van de Caap, Pieter.
een kind van Satima van Madagas:, Hendrik
een kind van Nasana van dito, Helena
een kind van Maria van Batavia, Ariana He[ ]
een kind van Leentje van Batavia, Loenora.
een kind van Sua van Madagr., Hendrik
een kind van Anna van de Caap, Isaacq.
een kind van Sarmala van Madagr: Reijnier., transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Ao 1694
dito (1 Augus:) van Comp: slavinnen kinderen gedoopt
een kind van Lijsbeth van de Caap, Dirk hal[fslagh]
een kind van Elisabeth van de Caap, Maria.
een kind van Maria van de Caap, Pieter.
een kind van Satima van Madagas:, Hendrik
een kind van Nantsana van dito, Helena
een kind van Maria van Batavia, Ariana He[ ]
een kind van Leentje van Batavia, Loenora.
een kind van Sua van Madagr., Hendrik
een kind van Anna van de Caap, Isaacq.
een kind van Sarmala van Madagr: Reijnier., 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ - [S21] Date estimated by compiler, Delia Robertson and, unless there is corroborating information, should not be considered as anything more than a guide - based on date of baptism of son, Joannes.
- [S332] Webpage tanap.net (http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/) (Original records held by Western Cape Archives and Records Service, Roeland Street, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa) "MOOC 8/5.80, 5 Junij 1732. Inventory of the estate of her deceased husband Johannes Pretorius. Helena Vosloo is not named as a beneficiary in this inventory, and I have therefor assumed she predeceased him."
- [S332] Webpage Tanap (http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/) (Original records held by Western Cape Archives and Records Service) "MOOC 8/5.80, 5 Junij 1732. Inventory of the deceased estate of Johannes Pretorius."
- [S408] Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Baptisms., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Baptism Register, … d'Moeder Helena Voslo …. Hereinafter cited as Drakenstein I Baptisms.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … Doghter van Johannis Pretoriùs en Helena Vosloo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … Doghter van Johannis Pretoriùs en Lena Voslooo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … Zoon van Jan Pretoriùs en Lena Vosloo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … Zoon van Jan Pretoriùs en Maghdalena Vosloo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … M: Leena Vosloo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … M: Helena Vosloo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, … de Moeder, Magdalena Vosloo ….
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, 1724; Dito [den 27ste Aùgùst]; Arnoldùs, zoon van Jan Vosloo en Gerbreght Herfst. Getùijgen Jan Pretorius en Lena Vosloo.
- [S882] Opgaafrol, K; KA 4060; Tax Rolls, 1719, Cape Archive Depot, As transcribed by Robert C-H Shell
Householder Last Name: Pretorius
Householder First Name: Jan
District: Drakenstein
Spouse Surname: Vosloo
Spouse First Name: Helena
Free Males: 1
Free Females: 1
Free Sons: 3
Free Daughters: 2
Knechts: 0
Male Adult Slaves: 3
Female Adult Slaves: 0
Male Slave Boys: 0
Female Slave Girls: 0
Horses: 0
Cattle: 86
Sheep: 400
Pigs: 4
Vines: 0
Leggers Of Wine: 0
Barley Sown: 2
Barley Reaped: 40
Oats Sown Muids: 0
Oats Reaped Muids: 0
Rye Sown: 0
Rye Reaped: 0
Sabres: 2
Carbines: 1
Pistols: 1
All Slaves: 3
Sequence Number In Original IDNO: 0745
Source: Opgaafrolle KA 4060 (April 1720)
Source Location: Cape Town Archives. - [S934] Opgaafrol vir die Kaapse districk vir 1723, Rijksarchief, Den Haag, 0337. Pretorius Jan 1 (man) 1 (wife) 4 (sons) 2 daughters … D, as transcribed by Hans Heese. Hereinafter cited as Opgaafrol 1723.
- [S415] Mansell Upham, "Johann Vosloo", See request 1 November 1707 - manumitted conditionally 10 April 1708.
- [S547] Daniel Jacobs, Die Vosloos, Nuttige Landsburgers, Register, p.82. Op 1 November 1707 het Jan Vosloo in 'n petisie, waarin hy na homself as die gewese baashoutkapper verwys, aan die Politieke Raad genoem dat Lena, 'n slawemeisie, sowat tien of elf jaar vroeër in sy huis gebore is. Hy meld ook dat die ma 'n Kompanjieslavin was, wat in die bos na hom omgesien het.
- [S325] Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Anno 1714; 7br; Wessel, soon van Johannis Pretoriùs en Lena Vosloo; getùijgen Arij Cruijsman en Maria Vosloo.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Anno 1716; Den 8ste Nov.; Johanna, Doghter van Johannis Pretoriùs en Helena Vosloo. Getùijgen Hendrik Frappe en Johanna Pretoriùs.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Anno 1718; Den 2de Octobr; Anna, Doghter van Johannis Pretoriùs en Lena Vosloo, Getùijgen Maria Roùssoùw.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, 1721; Den 31ste Dito [Aùgùst:]; Lodewicùs, Zoon van Jan Pretoriùs en Lena Vosloo. Getùijge Pieter Betram Oortman.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, 1724; Den 27ste Dito [Febr:]; Jacobùs, Zoon van Jan Pretoriùs en Maghdalena Vosloo. Getùijgen Jan Vosloor en Gerbra Herfst.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Den 24 Febrùariùs 1726: K: Arnoldùs Krùijsman; V: Jan Pretoriùs; M: Leena Vosloo; G: Jan Botman, Anna Marija Krùijsman.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Den 11 Jùlij 1728: K: Willem Sterrenberg; V: Jan Pretoriùs; M: Helena Vosloo; G: Jan Dissel, Marija Voslo.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, AO 1730; Den 7 October; Wynand, de Vaeder Jan Pretoriùs, de Moeder, Magdalena Vosloo; de getùijge Wýnand Victor, en Magdalena Verdeau.