Joost Pietersz van Dyk
M, #10622, b. circa 1662, d. before 17 June 1718
Father* | Pieter NN b. c 1650; The father of Burghert and and Joost was for years incorrectly recorded as Jan Pietersz van Dijk. For one thing, their father's first name would have been Pieter (var.) and the relationship is not born out by the record1,2 |
BirthOrigin* | Joost was from Isberg, spelled Ysenberg in the records at the Cape, and may have been born there circa 1662. The date is estimated, and is based on the fact that soldiers/sailors employed by the VOC were generally in their early to mid twenties. I have assumed him to be older than his brother Burgert.3,4 |
Marriage* | He married Catharina Verburgh on 4 March 1696 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.5 |
Marriage De facto* | Circa 1700 Joost Pietersz van Dyk and Elizabeth van Wijck were in a de facto relationship de Caep de Goede Hoop.6 |
Marriage De facto* | Before 13 September 1713 Joost Pietersz van Dyk and Helena Siebers were in a de facto relationship Cabo de Goede Hoop.7 |
Death* | He died before 17 June 1718.8 |
LiquidDist* | On 17 June 1718 a liquidation and distribution account was prepared in the estate of Joost Pietersz van Dyk.9  |
Family 2 | Elizabeth van Wijck b. c 1680, d. b 3 May 1722 |
Children | - Willem van Dyk6 b. b 24 Apr 1701, d. b 4 Oct 1733
- Johannes van Dyk22 b. b 14 Jun 1705
(Passenger) ShipVoyage | On 25 May 1686 Joost Pietersz van Dyk sailed on the Huis te Zilverstein from Texel to (Cape Town) where it docked on 26 September 1686.10,11 |
Occupation* | On 3 April 1691 Joost Pietersz van Dyk and Burghert Pieterz van Dyk were appointed woodcutters in the Compagnie's Bosch at Hout Bay for the next five years.12  |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 3 April 1691, the name of Joost was written in the record as Joost Pietersz van Isenberg.13 3 April 1691, the name of Joost was written in the record as Joost Pieterz.13 1692, the name of Joost was written in the record as Joost Pietersz: van Dyk.14 4 March 1696, the name of Joost was written in the record as Joost Pieters.5 Between 13 September 1716 and 20 March 1718, the name of Joost was written in the record as Joost Pietersz: van Dijk.15 |
Monsterrollen and Opgaafrollen (Muster and tax rolls) | 1692 Joost Pietersz van Dyk was enumerated on the opgaafrol (census/tax roll) in Kaap district, Burgert (No. 01341) followed his brother (01331) on the roll. Each man was recorded with one male slave Burghert Pieterz van Dyk.14 |
Vrijbriewen and Burgher Status | On 28 December 1690, Burghert Pieterz van Dyk and Joost Pietersz van Dyk were each granted a vrijbrief or letter of freedom which released them from their contractual obligations to the VOC and accorded them the status of vrijburgher or free burgher. |
- [S887] Anrie Hoogendoorn, "Herkoms van die Broers Joost en Burgert van Dyk en hul lewens aan die Kaap: korreksies en aanvullings van die 1975-Geslagsregister", Genesis (Anrie Hoogendoorn) (2016). Hereinafter cited as "Herkoms van die Broers Joost en Burgert van Dyk."
- [S33] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K (Cape Town / Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1966), p. 183. Hereinafter cited as Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K.
- [S620] Website Nationaal Archief, VOC Opvarenden ( "Gegevens van Joost Pietersz: uit Isberg."
- [S736] VC 605 (NGK G1-8/2), NGK Baptism Registers 1713-1742 (Cape Town), 2012: [18 Maij 1697] gedoopt het kint van Joost Pieterz van Ysenberg en Catharina Verburg onder getuygen van Aelbert Coopman en Agnieta vander Gracht genaemt - Burchert, transcribed by Corney Keller, (1713-1742), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as NGK Baptism Registers 1713-1742 (Cape Town).
- [S502] Website Family Search ( "4 Mart 1696. Joost Pieters jongm: met Catharina Verburg jongd:."
- [S541] Margaret Cairns, "Elizabeth van Wyk 1658 - 1720", Familia (Elizabeth van Wyk 1658 - 1720) Vol. 3 (1975): Elizabeth produced another child, this time a son, Willem by Joost Pieterse van Dyk and he was baptised as their issue on 21.1.1701.. Hereinafter cited as "Elizabeth van Wyk 1658 - 1720."
- [S736] VC 605 (NGK G1-8/2), NGK Baptism Registers 1713-1742 (Cape Town) transcribed by Corney Keller: [1716] [13 d:o, i.e. 7b:r] Joost. Joost Pietersz van Dijk, en Helena Siewerts. Hendrik Pietersz van Dijk, en Helena Siewerts., 1713-1742, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
- [S888] Liquidation and distribution account of the personal estate of Joost Pietersz: van Dijk of de Caep de Goede Hoop, dated 17 June 1718 (eGSSA - MOOC 13/1/1 Boedelrekeninge 1709-1722, CD no. 1) "The first entry is dated 17 June 1718."
- [S888] Inventory of the estate of Joost Pietersz: van Dijk, 17 June 1718.
- [S351] Grahame Naudé, "Dutch East India Company Shipping", Familia (DEIC Shipping) 43 Number 1 (2006): Details of voyage 1526.4 from Texel to Batavia
Number 1526.4
Master Gilde, Karsten de
Tonnage 1017
Type of ship
Built 1674
Yard Amsterdam
Chamber Amsterdam
Date of departure 24-05-1686
Place of departure Texel
Arrival at Cape 26-09-1686
Departure from Cape 07-10-1686
Date of arrival at destination 30-12-1686
Place of arrival Batavia
Particulars Via S. Tiago.. Hereinafter cited as "Dutch East India Company Shipping."
- [S896] Website OpenArchieven - Doorzoek de genealogische gegevens van Nederlandse archieven ( "Barent Burgerstsz (uit Halverstad) joins as soldier with chamber Amsterdam. Departure of the ship Huis te Zilverstein bound for Batavia…."
- [S729] Webpage ( (Original records held by Western Cape Archives and Records Service, Roeland Street, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa) "Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa
Reference code: C. 21, pp. 17?23.
Dingsdag 3 April 1691, voormiddags."
- [S729] Webpage Tanap ( (Original records held by Western Cape Archives and Records Service) "Joost Pietersz en Borchard Pietersz van Isenberg ...
Joost en Borchard Pieterz."
- [S889] Opgaafrol van burgers, 4036 VOC, 01331VANDYK JOOST PZ 1 1 1 211 K
01341VANDYK BURGERT P1 1 1 211 K; Algemene Rijksarchief, Den Haag, as transcribed by Hans Heese. Hereinafter cited as Opgaafrol Kaap 1692. My thanks to Hans Heese for sharing his transcription of this opgaaf.
- [S502] Website Family Search ( "... Joost Pietersz van Dijk ..."
- [S734] VC 604, NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town): [18 Dec: 1701] van Hendrik Kuijs en Jacoba vander Horde onder getuyge van Joost Pieterz van Dyk, gent: - Pieter, (1695-1712), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch, Hereinafter cited as NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town).
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), p.172. 7.2.1696, p. 27 (verso): Pieter from Malabar (13), sold by Robert Silvester (signature Rob Silvastar), sail-maker of the Amity, to Joost Pietersz for Rds. 80.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.172. 7.2.1696, pp. 26 (verso) 27: Anthony from Madagascar (16), sold by Thomas Thornhill, an officer of the Amitv, to Joost Pietersz for Rds. 90.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. Kinza (26), sold by his owner, Theunis Verwey, to Joost Pietersz for Rds. 120.
- [S151] J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 2 D-G (Pretoria, South Africa: Human Science Research Council, 1989), p. 146. Hereinafter cited as S.A. Genealogies 2 D-G.
- [S151] J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, S.A. Genealogies 2 D-G, p.146-147.
- [S541] Margaret Cairns, "Elizabeth van Wyk 1658 - 1720", In 1705 a further child of this couple was baptised but seems to have died in infancy. b4 Johannes bap. 14.1.1705. [DR: In some sources this child is called Johanna]
- [S502] Website Family Search ( "…
Naamen der gedoopte Slaavin Kindren van Dienaars of ook Slaavin kinderen van de vrijburgers.
1714. 19. Augusti. Gedoopt den slaaven kind van Burgert Pietersz van Dijk; de Vader Joost Piettersz van Dijk; de moeder Helena Siewerts: de getuijgen Christiaan van de [Kust/Hulst?], en Susanna van Batavia. Andries."
- [S502] Website Family Search (
- [S502] Website Family Search ( "…
Doop-boek, behelzende de Naamen der
Gedoopten, Ouders, Getuijgen
[1718] 20 d:o [Maarti] Sophia. Joost Pietersz van Dijk, en Helena Siewerts. Floris Abramsz & Rebekka van Bengale."