NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 |
NGK (Cape Town) Marriages1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Marriages 1665-1695 |
Last Edited | 29/11/2021 |
Birth* | Christoph Grünewaldt was born circa 1670 in Königsberg, Prussia.1,2 |
Marriage* | He married Catharina Niemand on 11 November 1691 Cape Town, Cape Colony.3,4 |
Death* | He died in 1721 de Caep de Goede Hoop. |
Family | Catharina Niemand b. c 1670, d. b 1719 |
Children |
Arrival* | Before 31 December 1687, Christoph Grünewaldt arrived at the Cape, as a soldier with the rank of corporal in service of the VOC from Königsberg. On 10 May 1690 he made an agreement with Hans Niemand, who was enroute to Patria with the return fleet, that Niemand could claim, from the paymaster in Holland, a total of f 364:8:9 from his earnings for an unstated individiual or purpose. The record refers to an earlier agreement dated the 31st (ultimo) December 1687, concluded at 't Casteel de Goede Hoop. This record has been misinterpreted to fix his arrival at the Cape in 1690. The record also begs the questions, was Hans Niemand a relation of Grünwaldt's future wife, Catharina Niemand ? My thanks to Gawie Groenewald for bringing this to my attention.5,6 ![]() |
Occupation* | In 1691 Christoph Grünewaldt was a smith in the service of the VOC.6,4 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 21 August 1695, the name of Christoph was written in the record as Christoffel Groenewalt. 2 August 1707, the name of Christoph was written in the record as Christoffel Groenenbold.7 13 September 1711, the name of Christoph was written in the record as Christoffel Groenewald.8 |
Baptisms - Witness | Christoph Grünewaldt and Grietie Philipze witnessed the baptism of Joannes van As on 5 March 1693 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.9 He and Hillegond Couché, Detlef Bibault and Willemyntje Ariens de Wit witnessed the baptism of Anna Bibault on 21 August 1695 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.10 He and Catharina Niemand witnessed the baptism of Meijna Fuber on 28 October 1703 Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town).11,12 |
Vrijbriewen and Burgher Status | Christoph Grünewaldt became a burgher before 11 November 1691, in Dutch vryburgher or vrijburgher, initially a status in which a soldier or other employee of the VOC was released from their contractual obligations to the VOC and permitted to farm, become a tradesman, or work for others. Subsequently some individuals, including the Huguenot refugees, were brought to the Cape specifically to farm and were burghers from the time of their arrival.3,4 |
Slave Births | Before 2 August 1707, Flora van der Caep was born in bondage and was owned by Christoph Grünewaldt de Caep de Goede Hoop.13,14 |
Slave Transactions | On 11 May 1695 Ismael van Macassar and Domingo van Aroe were sold for Rds. 130 by Cornelis Keeleman. Shell records they were purchased by Christoffel Groenewald but Böeseken says the purchaser was Jan Mostert.15,16 Christoph Grünewaldt bought a slave, Anna van Malabar from Jacob Joppe de Jonge on 21 June 1696 de Caep de Goede Hoop. For Rds 100.17,18 On 25 June 1697 Adam van Malabar and Tamar van Tambora were sold by Cornelis Keeleman to Christoph Grünewaldt de Caep de Goede Hoop, for Rds. 60 and Rds. 70, respectively.19,20,21 On 27 June 1697 Aaron van die Kust was sold by Christoffel Scheuder to Christoph Grünewaldt de Caep de Goede Hoop, Rds 55.22,23 On 17 December 1697 Pagolet van Bengale was sold by Christoph Grünewaldt to Jan Lambertz Meijburgh de Caep de Goede Hoop.24,25 On 7 April 1699 Thomas van Malabar was sold on behalf of Joan van Hoorn by Hugo de Goijer to Coenraad Boom, for Rds. 60. Christoph Grünewaldt stood surety.26 On 23 January 1700 Rojkje van Madagascar was was sold on behalf of Hendrik van der Tijt by Heribert Dompselaar to Christoph Grünewaldt, for Rds. 40.27,28 On 27 April 1701 Douwe van Timor was sold by Christoph Grünewaldt to Nicolaes Kleef de Caep de Goede Hoop.29 |
Slave Emancipations | On 7 September 1721 Tamoer van Macassar was emancipated as stipulated in the will of Christoph Grünewaldt, with the approval of his sons, Christoffel Groenewald, Johannes Groenewald and Coenraad Groenewald de Caep de Goede Hoop.30 |
- [S21] Date estimated by compiler, Delia Robertson and, unless there is corroborating information, should not be considered as anything more than a guide.
- [S204] Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946), GROENEWALD, CHRISTOPH (S Grünwald).-Konigsberg. Corp. 1690. Burgher and blacksmith I691. ~ 11.11.1691 Catharina Niemand of Amsterdam. 3 sons. † 1721. (CJ 1122 under 28.4.1694; CJ 1129 : 28; CJ 1254, p, 145; G.R. nr. 147.). Hereinafter cited as Personalia.
- [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar), 1665-1695: Den 11 Dito
sijn in den huijwekijken staedt ver eenigt Christoffel G[...]wout van Koe
nighsbergen jongman en borger alhier met Catharina [..] van Amsterdam jonge dogter, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar). - [S33] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K (Cape Town / Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1966), Page 268. Hereinafter cited as Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families I A-K.
- [S869] Contracts, (folio) 140-141; CJ 2750, Court of Justice; Court of Justice, Western Cape Archives and Records Service, Roeland Street, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, Een originele reeken[ing] geslooten in't Casteel de Goede Hoope en geteekend bij J:H: Blum, ultimo [31st] december 1687. My thanks to Gawie Groenewald for providing the transcript of this record.
- [S204] Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia, GROENEWALD, CHRISTOPH (S Grünwald).-Konigsberg. Corp. 1690. Burgher and blacksmith 1691. ~ 11.11.1691 Catharina Niemand of Amsterdam. 3 sons. † 1721. (CJ 1122 under 28.4.1694; CJ 1129 : 28; CJ 1254, p, 145; G.R. nr. 147.).
- [S347] Mansell Upham, "Slaves of the free-burgher Christoffel Groenewald", February 2006 (Pretoria, South Africa). This short register was prepared for Delia Robertson by Mansell Upham in February 2006., Den 2: Augusti [1707/8?] door D:[ominee] Beck een doghter van Anna van Mallebaar lijfeijgene van den vrijburger Christoffel Groenenbold onder getuigen van Domingo van Bengale met Bastiana van Bengale Flora. Hereinafter cited as "Slaves of Christoffel Groenewald."
- [S347] Mansell Upham, "Slaves of Christoffel Groenewald", This short register was prepared for Delia Robertson by Mansell Upham in February 2006., d[it]o [1711.13.7b – ie 13 September 1711] Na voorgaande belydenis gedoopt een Macassarse slavin van Christoffel Groenewald genaamt Thamar.
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: 1693
Den 5 Martij Een kint gedoopt waer van vader is Lou[ ]
van As, de moeder Helena Janse, tot getuijge stont
Grietie Philipze, ende Christoffel Groenewout, ende
is Joannes, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): den 21 dito (Augusti) een kind van Diedelhof Bibout en Willememina, gent Anna, getuijgen Christoffel Groene,, newalt en Hillegond Couché, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
- [S734] VC 604, NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town): 28 Oct [1703] een kind van Jan Feber en Annetie Sickerman onder getuygen van Christoffel Groenwolt en Catharina Niman, gent: - Meijna, (1695-1712), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch, Hereinafter cited as NGK Baptism Registers 1695-1712 (Cape Town).
- [S204] Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia, Meyna (28.10.1703).
- [S347] Mansell Upham, "Slaves of Christoffel Groenewald", This short register was prepared for Delia Robertson by Mansell Upham in February 2006.
- [S502] Website Family Search (
- [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, A calendar of bondage in southern Africa, 1550 to 1888, CD-ROM; ISBN 1-86918-063-1; (Cape Town: Ancestry24, September 2007), Sequence IDNO: 0982
Slaves First Name: Domingo
Presumed Place Of Origin: van Aroe
Day Of Sale: 11
Month Of Sale: 5
Year Of Sale: 1695
Type Of Sale: Oceanic
Type Of Name: Day name
Continental Origin Code: Indonesian Archipelago
Slaves Age: 15
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 65
Sellers Last Name: Keeleman
Sellers First Name: Cornelis
Sellers Civil Status: VOC employee
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Transit-at sea
Sellers Occupation: Skipper
Buyers Last Name: Groenewald
Buyers First Name: Christoffel
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Table valley
Buyers Occupation: blacksmith
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis
Sequence IDNO: 0983
Slaves First Name: Ismael
Presumed Place Of Origin: van Macassar
Day Of Sale: 11
Month Of Sale: 5
Year Of Sale: 1695
Type Of Sale: Oceanic
Type Of Name: Old Testament
Continental Origin Code: Indonesian Archipelago
Slaves Age: 24
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 65
Sellers Last Name: Keeleman
Sellers First Name: Cornelis
Sellers Civil Status: VOC employee
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Transit-at sea
Sellers Occupation: Skipper
Buyers Last Name: Groenewald
Buyers First Name: Christoffel
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Table valley
Buyers Occupation: blacksmith
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. Hereinafter cited as Changing Hands. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), p.122. 11.5.1695, p. 122 (verso): Ismael from Macassar (24) and Domingo from Aroe (14/15), sold by Cornelis Keeleman to Jan Mostert for Rds. 130.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.173. 21.6.1696, p. 79 (recto et verso): Anna from Malabar (24), sold by Jacob Joppe de Jongh to Christoffel Groenewalt for Rds. 100.
- [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, Sequence IDNO: 1074, Anna van Malabar [Sold by Jacob Joppe de Jong to Christoffel Groenewald, age 24.].
- [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, 1227, Adam
Sequence IDNO: 1227
Slaves First Name: Adam
Presumed Place Of Origin: Van Malabar
Day Of Sale: 25
Month Of Sale: 6
Year Of Sale: 1697
Type Of Sale: Oceanic
Type Of Name: Old Testament
Continental Origin Code: Indian Sub Continent
Slaves Age: 20
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 60
Sellers Last Name: Keeleman
Sellers First Name: Cornelis
Sellers Civil Status: VOC employee
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Transit-at sea
Sellers Occupation: Skipper
Buyers Last Name: Groenewald
Buyers First Name: Christoffel
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Table valley
Buyers Occupation: blacksmith
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. - [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, Sequence IDNO: 1230
Slaves First Name: Tamar
Presumed Place Of Origin: Van Tambur
Day Of Sale: 25
Month Of Sale: 6
Year Of Sale: 1697
Type Of Sale: Oceanic
Type Of Name: Autochthonous
Continental Origin Code: Indonesian Archipelago
Slaves Age: 22
Slaves Gender: Female
Price In Rixdollars: 70
Sellers Last Name: Keeleman
Sellers First Name: Cornelis
Sellers Civil Status: VOC employee
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Transit-at sea
Sellers Occupation: Skipper
Buyers Last Name: Groenewald
Buyers First Name: Christoffel
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Table valley
Buyers Occupation: blacksmith
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 179. 25.6.1697, p. 224 (verso): Adam from Malabar (20) and Tamar from Tambora (22), sold by Cornelis Keeleman, skipper on the Spiegel, for Rds. 60.
- [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, 1236, Aaron
Sequence IDNO: 1236
Slaves First Name: Aaron
Presumed Place Of Origin: Van die kus [Coromandel]
Day Of Sale: 27
Month Of Sale: 6
Year Of Sale: 1697
Type Of Name: Old Testament
Continental Origin Code: Indian Sub Continent
Slaves Age: 25
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 55
Sellers Last Name: Scheuder
Sellers First Name: Christoffel
Sellers Civil Status: burgher
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Transit-at sea
Sellers Occupation: Occupation
Buyers Last Name: Groenewald
Buyers First Name: Christoffel
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Table valley
Buyers Occupation: blacksmith
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 179. 27.6.1697, p. 232: Aron from the Coast (25), sold to Christoffel Groenewalt for Rds. 55 by Christoffel Scheuder, Free Burgher sailing from Batavia on the Cattenburgh.
- [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, 1275, Pagolet
Sequence IDNO: 1275
Slaves First Name: Pagolet
Presumed Place Of Origin: van Bengal
Day Of Sale: 17
Month Of Sale: 12
Year Of Sale: 1697
Type Of Name: Autochthonous
Continental Origin Code: Indian Sub Continent
Slaves Age: 22
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 55
Sellers Last Name: Groenewald
Sellers First Name: Christoffel
Sellers Civil Status: burgher
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Table valley
Sellers Occupation: Blacksmith
Buyers Last Name: Meijburg
Buyers First Name: Jan Lam
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p., pp. 282 (verso) - 283: Pacolet from Bengal (22), sold by Christoffel Groenewalt to Jan Lamberts Meijburgh for Rds. 55.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 189. 7.4.1699: Thomas from Malabar (42), sold by Hugo de Goyer on behalf of Joan van Hoom to Coenraad Boom for Rds. 60. His guarantor was Christoffel Groenewalt.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. 191. 23.1.1700: Rokje from Madagascar (22), sold by Heribertus van Dompselaar on behalf of Hendrik van der Tijt to Christoffel Groenewalt for Rds. 40.
- [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, 1680, Rojkje
Sequence IDNO: 1680
Slaves First Name: Rojkje
Presumed Place Of Origin: van Madagascar
Day Of Sale: 23
Month Of Sale: 1
Year Of Sale: 1700
Type Of Name: Autochthonous
Continental Origin Code: Mada&Mau
Slaves Age: 22
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 40
Sellers Last Name: Dompselaar
Sellers First Name: Heribert
Sellers Civil Status: VOC employee
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Table valley
Sellers Occupation: Second Mate
Buyers Last Name: Groenewald
Buyers First Name: Christoffel
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Table valley
Buyers Occupation: blacksmith
Comments And References: Buyer
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. - [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, 1807, Douwe
Sequence IDNO: 1807
Slaves First Name: Douwe
Presumed Place Of Origin: Van Timor
Day Of Sale: 27
Month Of Sale: 4
Year Of Sale: 1701
Type Of Name: Facetious
Continental Origin Code: Indonesian Archipelago
Slaves Age: 29
Slaves Gender: Male
Price In Rixdollars: 100
Sellers Last Name: Groenewald
Sellers First Name: Christiaan
Sellers Civil Status: burgher
Sellers Gender: Male
Sellers Domicile: Table valley
Sellers Occupation: Blacksmith
Buyers Last Name: Kleef
Buyers First Name: Nicholas
Buyers Civil Status: burgher
Buyers Gender: Male
Buyers Domicile: Stellenbosch district
Buyers Occupation: farmer
Primary Reference: Transporten en Scheepeniskennis. - [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, Tamoer van Macassar.
- [S294] E-mails from Alet Swanepoel (e-mail address) to Buitenposten, 10 Jan 2004- (Personal Library.