Suzanne Gardiol
F, #7429, b. 1668, d. before 10 September 1729
Birth* | Suzanne Gardiol was born in 1668 in Lacoste, Provence, France.1,3 |
Marriage* | She married Abraham de Villiers, son of PN de Villiers, on 5 October 1689 Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.4,1 |
Marriage | She married Claude Marais, son of Charles Marais and Catherine Taboureux, on 13 October 1721 de Caep de Goede Hoop.5 |
Death* | She died before 10 September 1729 de Caep de Goede Hoop.6 |
Inventory* | Suzanne's estate was inventoried on 10 September 1729 de Caep de Goede Hoop.6  |
Inventory | Suzanne's estate was inventoried on 13 September 1729 de Caep de Goede Hoop.7  |
(Witness) Ledemaat | Between 28 December 1687 and 18 July 1688, Antoine Gardiol, Marguerite Perrotette and their children Suzanne Gardiol, Marguerite Gardiol and Jean Gardiol were recorded as congregants at the Walloon Church, Amsterdam. |
(Passenger) ShipVoyage | On 27 July 1688 Suzanne Gardiol, Antoine Gardiol, Marguerite Perrotette, Jean Gardiol, Marguerite Gardiol and Friedrich Conradi were among the passengers who sailed on the Wapen van Alkmaar from Texel to de Caep de Goede Hoop where it docked on 27 January 1689.8,9,10 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 20 September 1699, the name of Suzanne was written in the record as Susanne Gardiol.11 17 January 1712, the name of Suzanne was written in the record as Sùsanna Gardiol.12 |
Baptisms - Witness | Suzanne Gardiol and Jacques de Villiers witnessed the baptism of Pierre de Villiers on 26 December 1695 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.13 She and Abraham de Villiers witnessed the baptism of Sùsanna Bosman on 17 January 1712 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Stellenbosch, de Caep de Goede Hoop.12 She potentially witnessed the baptism of Jan Meinard on 14 July 1715 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop, this witness has not been positively identified.14 She and David de Villiers witnessed the baptism of Abraham Faure on 5 September 1717 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.15 She and Jacques de Villiers witnessed the baptism of Maria Marais on 14 December 1721 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.16![Anno 1721; Den 14de Dito [Decembr]; Maria, Doghter can en Marais en Maria Elisabeth De Villers, Getùijgen Jacob de Villiers en Susanna Gardiol.](../picicon.gif) She and Claude Marais witnessed the baptism of Johannes Christoffel Schabort on 30 October 1724 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.17 |
- [S154] Pieter Coertzen, The Huguenots of South Africa 1688-1988 (28 Wale Street, Cape Town: Tafelberg Publishers Limited, 1988), p. 161. Hereinafter cited as The Huguenots of South Africa.
- [S154] Pieter Coertzen, The Huguenots of South Africa, p. 167.
- [S575] M. Boucher, French Speakers at the Cape in the first hundred years of Dutch East India Company rule: The European background (Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1981), The Gardiols, as the name of Jean Gardiol's farm at the Cape indicates, came from Lacoste to the north of the Lubéron range. Susanne Gardiolle's birth is also known to have taken place there, doubtless before 1669.. Hereinafter cited as French Speakers at the Cape.
- [S486] Colin Graham Botha, The French Refugees at the Cape (Cape Town: Cape Times Limited, 1921), p.89. He married 5th October, 1689, Susanne Gardiol of de la Coste, Provence.... Hereinafter cited as The French Refugees at the Cape.
- [S154] Pieter Coertzen, The Huguenots of South Africa, p. 164.
- [S332] Webpage ( (Original records held by Western Cape Archives and Records Service, Roeland Street, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa) "Reference no.: MOOC10/3.89, Testator(s): Susanna Gardiol, 10 September 1729."
- [S332] Webpage Tanap ( (Original records held by Western Cape Archives and Records Service) "Reference no.: MOOC10/3.89 1/2, Testator(s): Susanna Gardiol, 13 September 1729."
- [S795] Website The Dutch East India Company's shipping between the Netherlands and Asia 1595-1795 ( "Number 1564.6
Master Godske, Karel
Tonnage 892
Type of ship pinas
Built 1671
Yard Amsterdam
Chamber Amsterdam
Date of departure 27-07-1688
Place of departure Texel
Arrival at Cape 27-01-1689
Departure from Cape 27-02-1689
Date of arrival at destination 20-05-1689
Place of arrival Batavia
Particulars At the Cape 1 seafarer deserted.
Next homeward voyage 5873.6."
- [S620] Website Nationaal Archief, VOC Opvarenden ( "Gegevens van Frederick Coenradi uit Maerburgh
Datum indiensttreding: 27-07-1688 Datum uit dienst: 31-12-1691
Functie bij indiensttreding: Soldaat Reden uit dienst: Vrijburger
Uitgevaren met het schip: Wapen van Alkmaar Waar uit dienst: Kaap de Goede Hoop
Maandbrief: Nee Schuldbrief: Ja
Gegevens van de vaart
Schip: Wapen van Alkmaar Vertrek: 27-07-1688
Kamer: Amsterdam Kaap: 27-01-1689
Inventarisnummer: 53581
Folio: 149 Aankomst: 20-05-1689
DAS- en reisnr.: 1564.6
My thanks to Pieter Conradie for this reference."
- [S575] M. Boucher, French Speakers at the Cape, p.194. On July 18 of the following year [1688] they are recorded as having left that congregation to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope. They would seem to have embarked on the Wapen van Alkmaar and perhaps in the course of an arduous voyage Antoine died. [DR: The Wapen v. Alkmaardeparted Texel on 27 July and there was not another departure until 26 October. It seems unlikely the family would have left left their congregation in July and then wait until October to sail.]
- [S408] Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Baptisms., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Baptism Register, Le 20 Septembre 1699; Jean fils du Bram Villiers et de Susanne Gardiol, Le temoins et Jacob Villiers et Marguerite Gardiol pour Marraine. Hereinafter cited as Drakenstein I Baptisms.
- [S325] Lorna Newcomb and Ockert Malan, compilers, Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM (Stellenbosch) Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register, Sùsanna, d'vader Hermanùs Bosman, d'moeder Elisabeth Villiers, getùygen Abraham Viljers en Sùsanna Gardiol, 17 Jan 1712.. Hereinafter cited as Palmkronieke I Baptisms.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, 26 Decembre Lannee 1695; Pierre fils de Pierre Villiers et a Marie Elizabet Taillefert le temoins et Jacob Villiers et Susanne Gardiol.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Anno 1715; Den 14de Jùil; Jan, soon van Philip Minar en Johanna Moeij; Getùijgen Jacob Viliers end Susanna Viliers, Abrahams Hùijsvroùw.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Annon 1717; Den 5de Septembr; Abraham, soon van Anthonie Faure en Rachel De Villers. Getuijgen Abraham De Villers en Susanna Gardiol.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Anno 1721; Den 14de Dito [Decembr]; Maria, Doghter can en Marais en Maria Elisabeth De Villers, Getùijgen Jacob de Villiers en Susanna Gardiol.
- [S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Den 30 October 1724; V: Christoffel Schabort; M: Marija De Villiers; K: Johannes Christoffel; G: Claùde Marais, Sùsanna Gardiol.
- [S331] Webpage Ball Family Records ( "…."
- [S191] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-Z (Cape Town / Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1966), p. 1046. Hereinafter cited as Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-Z.
- [S331] Webpage Ball Family Records ( "…."