Gerrit Jansz
M, #6655, b. circa 1650
NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 |
NGK (Cape Town) Marriages1665-1695 | NGK (Cape Town) Marriages 1665-1695 |
NGK Drakenstein Baptisms 1694-1732 | NGK Drakenstein Baptisms 1694-1732 |
Last Edited | 17/05/2018 |
Birth* | Gerrit Jansz was born circa 1650 in Weyninghen.1 |
Marriage* | He married Aletta Albertz on 29 October 1673 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.2 |
Marriage* | He married Geertruy Willemse on 19 March 1690 (Cape Town).3 |
Names in the record, in publications, etc. | 1682, the name of Gerrit was written in the record as Gerrit Jansz: van Wynegom.4 4 April 1689, the name of Gerrit was written in the record as Gerrit van Weinegom. |
Baptisms - Witness | Gerrit Jansz potentially witnessed the baptism of Jannetje Verschuur on 29 October 1673 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop, this witness has not been positively identified.5 He and Adriana Sterreveldt witnessed the baptism of Aeltie Meiburgh on 4 April 1689 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.6 He and Gerrit Jansz Visser, Maria Helm and Gerrit Jansz van Deventer witnessed the baptism of Gertruida Knoetsen on 11 November 1697 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop.7 ![]() |
Monsterrollen and Opgaafrollen (Muster and tax rolls) | 1682 Gerrit Jansz was enumerated on the opgaafrol (census/tax roll) in the Cape district, with a wife Aletta Albertz, one son and a daughter. He was enumerated after Jan van Oldenburg and before Lijsbeth van Angola.4 |
Slave Transactions | On 20 March 1676 Salamme was sold by Jan Jacobsz Sloopen to Gerrit Jansz, for Rds 55.8,9 On 3 March 1677 Claas van Bengale was sold by Johannes Ravensbergh to Gerrit Jansz, for Rds. 70.10,11 On 22 January 1679 Cupido van Madagascar was sold by Johannes Ravensbergh to Gerrit Jansz, for Rds. 35.12,13 On 29 June 1687 Scipio van Madagascar was sold by Jan Baptist Groeneveld to Dominique de Chavonnes de Caep de Goede Hoop, for Rds. 30. There is a disconnect in how Böeseken and Shell recorded this transaction. Böeseken says the purchaser was Gerrit Jansz.14,15 On 29 June 1687 Jan Mager van Madagascar was sold by Jan Baptist Groeneveld to Gerrit Jansz, for Rds. 56.16 On 26 November 1687 Catharina van Madagascar and Nagtigaal van de Caep were sold by Abraham Hartogh to Gerrit Jansz, for Rds. 65.17 On 8 September 1691 Jan Mager van Madagascar was sold by Gerrit Jansz to Trijntje Theunisz Gansevanger, for f 400.18 |
- [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar), 1665-1695: den 29 Octob'
Gerrit Jansz J.M. van Weyninghen
en Aaltjen Aalbertsz van Purmerent
wed' van Lambert Lambertsz
[Date estimated], transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar). - [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar): den 29 Octob'
Gerrit Jansz J.M. van Weyninghen
en Aaltjen Aalbertsz van Purmerent
wed' van Lambert Lambertsz, May 2006, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar): ao 1690. Den 19 Martius. sijn in den huijwelijken staedt vereenigt Gerrith Janze van Wijnegom weduwenaar ende vrijborger alhier met Geertuij Willemsz wedu. ende vrijborgeresse alhier, May 2006, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
- [S845] Opgaafrol van burgers, 4036 VOC, 0078 VANWYNEGOM GERRIT JZ112 6 2 2 2 K; Algemene Rijksarchief, Den Haag, as transcribed by Hans Heese. Hereinafter cited as Opgaafrol Kaap 1682. My thanks to Hans Heese for sharing his transcription of this opgaaf.
- [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: ao 1673
Den 29 dito (October)
Een Dochtertje van Hendrick Gysbertsz en Geessie Jans: wiert genaamt Jannetje
tot getuygen stonden Gerrit Jansz en Elsje Willems, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). - [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Ao 1689
Den 4 April een kindt ghedoopt daer vader van is Jan Meiburgh, de
moeder is Maria Hendiaren, de ghetuijgen Gerrit van Weinegom
ende Adriana Sterrevelt, ende ghenaemt Aeltie, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch - [S408] Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Baptisms., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Baptism Register, Le 11 Novembre Lannèe ditau [1697]; Géertru fille de Corneillis Corpenant Et de . . . . Le temoins Sont Geert Jáanse Et Marie Heelms.. Hereinafter cited as Drakenstein I Baptisms.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), p. 132. 20.3.1676: Salamme, sold by Jan Jacobsz de Slooper, skipper of the Sparendam, to Gerrit Jansz van Wynegom for Rds. 55.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Kaapse notariële stukke waarin slawe van vryburgers en amptenare vermeld word (II), Die tweede Dekade 1671-1680", Kronos (Die notariële stukke II) 15 (1999): 20.3.1676 [Verlore]
Jan Jacobsz de Slooper, skipper van die Sparendam, verkoop aan Gerrit Jansz van Wijnegom die slaaf Salamme vir 55 Rds.. Hereinafter cited as "Die notariële stukke II." - [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 3.3.1677 TS I, g.p.
Johannes Ravensbergh, mediese dokter in diens, verkoop aan Gerrit Jansz van Wijngom, vryburger alhier, die slaaf Claas van Bengale vir 70 Rds. - [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p. Claas from Bengal, sold by Johannes Ravensbergh to Gerrit Jansz van Wijnegom for Rds. 70.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.136. 22.1.1679: Cupido from Madagascar, sold by Johannes Ravensbergh to Gerdt Jansz van Wijnegom for Rds. 35.
- [S607] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "Die notariële stukke II", 22.1.1679 TS 2, g.p.
Johannes Ravensbergh, mediese dokter, verkoop aan Gerrit Jansz van Wijnegom, burger alhier, sy slaaf Cupido van Madagaskar vir 35 Rds. - [S425] Index to Slave Transactions at the Cape, South Africa, 1658 - 1731, compiled by Robert C-H Shell, Cape Town, 2000 "1687.06.29 Scipio, m, Madaga[scar], 11, sold by Jan Baptist Groeneveld to Dominique de Chavonnes, Rds 30.00 TN&S."
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.151. 29.6.1687: Scipio from Madagascar (10/11), sold by Jan Baptist Groeneveld, the skipper of the Baren. to Gerrit Jansz van Wijnegum for Rds. 30.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.151. 29.6.1687: Jan Mager from Madagascar (18/19), sold by skipper Jan Baptist Groeneveld to Gerrit Jansz van Wijnegum for Rds. 56.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.151. 26.11.1687: Catharina from Madagascar (18/19) and her son Nagtigaal (8 months), sold by Abraham de Hartog to Gerrit van Wijnegum for Rds. 65.
- [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.159. 8.9.1691, pp. 278-279: Jan Mager from Madagascar (22), sold by Gerrit Jansz van Wijnegum to Trijntje Theunisdr, the widow of Gerrit Jansz Vermeij, for f 400.