Pieter Uytenbroek1

M, #15990, b. circa 1660

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Last Edited25/03/2015
Birth*Pieter Uytenbroek was born circa 1660.1
Slave TransactionsOn 7 June 1693 Antoni van Cochin, aged 10 to 12 and Cupido van Orixa, aged 9 or 10, were sold on behalf of the recently deceased Pieter Uytenbroek, by Michiel de Vries, to Jan Dircks de Beer, for Rds. 70. The transaction also included Marten van der Kust Coromandel who was sold for Rds. 50.2,3,4


  1. [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700 (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1977), p.163.. Hereinafter cited as Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700.
  2. [S606] J.L. (Leon) Hattingh, "A.J. Böeseken se Addendum van Kaapse slawe-verkoopstransaksies: Foute en regstellings", Kronos (Foute en regstellings) 9 (1984): In die transaksie van 7.7.1693 (wat eintlik 7.6.1693 moet wees) meld Böeseken dat Antoni van Cochin (10/12) vir 70 Rds. verkoop is terwyl die veel ouer Marten van Coromandel (20/21) slegs 50 Rds. gehaal het. Dan sê sy: “At the same time Cupido of Orixa was sold (no price mentioned)”. Dit is egter nie ‘n goeie weergawe van wat in die document staan nie. Cupido van Orixa, wat ook maar net 9/10 jaar oud was, is eintlik saam met Antoni van Cochin vir 70 Rds. verkoop. Dit verklaar waarom hulle gesamentlike koopsom eintlik hoër was as die van hul ouer metgesel. Die koper se naam, Jan D. de Beer, is hier ook uitgelaat terwyl dit wel in die document vermeld word.. Hereinafter cited as "Foute en regstellings."
  3. [S418] Anna J. Böeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658-1700, p.163. 7.7.1693, p. 358: Marten from Coromandel (20/21), sold for Rds. 50 and Antoni from Cochin (10/12), sold for Rds. 70 by Michiel de Vries, skipper of the llpendam, on behalf of Pieter Uytenbroek who died on board his ship between Ceylon and the Cape. At the same time Cupido of Orixa was sold (no price mentioned).
  4. [S432] Robert C-H Shell compiler, Changing Hands, A calendar of bondage in southern Africa, 1550 to 1888, CD-ROM; ISBN 1-86918-063-1; (Cape Town: Ancestry24, September 2007), The purchaser for these transaction was recorded in this source as Jan Dirk de Beer. Hereinafter cited as Changing Hands.

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