Family [F58]



Louis NELL {M} [P117] = Dorothea Magdalena VAN DEVENTER {F} [P126]


Maria Susanna Magdalena {F} [P116] = Casparus Johannes GREEFF {M} [P5] > Family [F4]


1 : "Marriage Register, NG Kerk, SA"; Page G73 - 5 - 1 Entry No 96
2 : "Register of Deaths / Death Notice"; Page MOOC 6/9/1155 P2446
3 : "Babtism Register, NG Kerk, SA"; Page RA4 - 56 - 674
4 : "Babtism Register, NG Kerk, SA"; Page Page 530

Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person/family identifiers.
Superscripted numbers are references to source citations at the bottom of this page.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.

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