We are a non-profit organisation, and the first project tackled is the creation of an on-line searchable database of data extracted from the National Automated Archival Information Retrieval System (NAAIRS), maintained by the National Archives of South Africa.

The NAAIRS data constitutes a partial index to material in the custody of the National Archives of South Africa and other archival institutions.

All data represented here, is available from the National Archives of South Africa, and all costs incurred in gathering this data has been borne by a small group of people willing to share information. 

Note from National Archives of South Africa.

Please note that STAIRS is the name of the IBM software that was originally used as a retrieval system. The term is still loosely used to refer to the retrieval system, but we prefer the more correct acronym NAAIRS to gain currency.


The following acronyms are used to indicate where records are located, and type.


Kaap Argiefbewaarplek [Cape Archives] located in Cape Town


Transvaal Archive [now Gauteng] located in Pretoria


Vrystaatse Argiefbewaarplek [Free State Archives] located in Bloemfontein.


Natal Archive located in Pietermartizburg.


South African Archives, housed with TAB, located in Pretoria.


Master Of the Orphan Chamber.


Master of the Supreme Court.


Master of Insolvency Chamber


LEER is Afrikaans for FILE.
NASA website:  http://www.national.archives.gov.za/