The following is reproduced from a letter which has been in our possession for many years.

This document outlines Hans du Vinage's work on the geneology of of the du Vinage, Duvenhage and Duvenage lineage since he began in 1902.

He writes about publishing his work "Die Du Vinage Geschichte und Urkundenbuch".

note: see
Die du Vinage, Duvenage, Duvenhage Familie in Suid-Africa 1765-1995

Aan die Duvenage, Duvenhage, du Vinage in Zuid Afrika


Afrikaans ken ik wel,
maar ik sal my nooit in ‘n brief daaran wagen.
Therefore I write in English. I hope you will understand it or find anyone, who can translate my circular epistle:

J. Hans
du Vinage, am born on 30:12:1881 at Pasewalk, Province of Pomerania.
I am a judge (Gerichtsrat) on the “Landgericht” and on the “Amtsgericht” at Stargard in Pommern, widower: I have a child, Hans Robert, 12 years old.

Pasewalk is situated 133 km. northward Berlin, Stargard in Pommern 35 km. eastward Stattin; Stattin (In Pommern) 135 km. north-eastward Berlin.

Since 1902 I work on the genealogy of the du Vinage. My work “Die Du Vinage Geschichte und Urkundenbuch” will – as God will be printed in some years and will be remitted to all our name.

Colart (-Klaus) du
Vinage is still now the first authentic bearer of our name, 1331 tax-gatherer at Maubeuge (Hainault, at present France) also holder of the toll “vinage).

The name, in German language “van zoll” is conceived from a business. At Lille, (French-Flanders) the du
Vinage have been authentically established since 1377.

The most eminent of our name is Jacques du
Vinage, 1431 a student on the University of London, doctor of Laws, knight, counsellor of the Duke of Burgundy in the “Council of Flanders” at Dendermonds, Ypern, Gent.

The “Council of Flanders” was the Supreme court. Jacques du
Vinage, seigneur of Perenchies and Kemmel, died 1482 at Gent. The Archduke Maximilian, the last knight, favoured him by appointing his eldest son Jean Du Vinage his Cup-bearer (enchanson).

Perenchies is situated 6 km. northward Lille; Kemmel and the Mount Kemmel near Ypern are far-famed since the war.

The du Vinage, so far as they have become Galvinists, emigrate from Flanders. Jacques du Vinage and his children leave Lompret near
Perenchies; he died 1581 in the reformed parish of Canterbury in England.

The brothers Arnould du Vinage (born at Perenchies 19/02/1604) and Jean du Vinage (born at Perenchies 17/03/1606) emigrate to Calais, on account of their reformed confession.

The son of Jean, Jean is married to Marie du Riez on 01/11/1671 in the Huguenot Temple at Guines, Calais.

On 18/10/1685 louis XIV of France signified the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. On 25/10/1685 the revocation of the Edict of Nantes was proclaimed at Calais, the reformed service was prohibited, the reformed church was destroyed.

The smaller part of the Huguenot parishioners fly to Dover, the greater to Cadsen (Holland). Jean du Vinage flees farther on the Middelburg on the isle of Walcheren in the Dutch province of Zeeland.

On 29/11/1685, he, his wife Marie du Riez and his three minor children were received in the reformed parish of Middelburg and there naturalized on 07/01/1686.

The great Elector Frederic William of Brandenburg was in search of colonists. In the spring of 1687 Jean du Vinage became a farmer at Rossouw in the Uckermark (near Pasewalk).

I. Jean du Vinage, born at Calais 1644, died at Rossouw 27/03/1706. His wife Marie du Riez, died at Rossouw 15/11/1698.

II.   Son: Jean du Vinage, born at St. Pierre-les-Calais 23/08/1684. Died at Rossouw 15/06/1724. Farmer at Rossouw. He married 23/03/1706 Francoise Villian (William). Died at Rossouw 09/09/1755. 72 years old.

Their son is Jean du Vinage. Born at Rossouw 04/04/1712. Died at Rossouw 15/03/1775. Farmer, “Maire et Aucien” of the French reformed church at Rossow. Note; from here the author writes Rossow. He married 25/11/172- Catherine Malfrujon.

a.      (Frujon) born at Uckermunde near Pasewalk, died at Rossow 01/07/1744 36 years old.
03/12/1744 Marie William, born at Zerrenthin near Rossow 09/01/1726, died at Rossow 24/10/1760.
20/02/1761 Jeanne Sy, died at Rossow 27/03/1818. 76 years old, her second husband Daniel William received the estate of the du Vinage. Estate and house still exist at Rossow. Jean du Vinage later on wrote his name Duvinage. He had from his first marriage 9 children, from the second 7, from the third 8 children:-

From his first marriage descend:-

1. Pierre Duvinage, farmer at Schwedt (Oder) founder of the “Schwedter Linie”
2. Abraham Duvinage, founder of the “Sudafrika-Linie”. See IV.

From his second marriage descend:-
3. Isaac Duvinage, brandy-distiller at Stettin, founder of the “Altere Stettiner Linie”.
Jacques Duvinage, farmer at Pasewalk, my great-great-grand father, founder of the “Pasewalk-Linie”.

From his third marriage descend:-

Daniel Duvinage, farmer at Strasburg Uckermark, founder of the “Strasburger Linie”.
Charles Duvinage, carrier (Fuhrherr) and Elder (“Ancien”) of the French reformed church at Stettin, founder of the “Jungere Stettiner Linie”.
Philipp Duvinage, baker and confectioner at Greifenhagen near Stettin, founder of the “Greifenhagen Linie”.
Jean Duvinage, brewer at Prenslau, founder of the “Prenzlauer-Linie”.
This lineage has ceased to exist, the other lines flourish.

Abraham Duvinage (later on Duvenage) born at Rossow 06/03/1744, baptised at Rossow 13/03/1744, went from Rossow to Stettin, and from Stettin to Cape Town.     

It was known to the Paswalker Linie and the “Schwedster Linie” that Abraham had removed to Cape Town.

Dr. Richard Berlinger writes in his book “Die Colonieliste von 1699” Berlin 1888 p.211: “One of the sons of Jean goes to Cape Town. His descendants go into the interior of the country. It is not known, whether they are alive or dead. Another son goes to Pasewalk”.

Dr. H.T.C. Colenbrander from Dordrecht had given me in the year 1917 his work: “De Afkomst der Boeren” (Uitgegeven door het Algemeen Nederlands Verbond, Juli 1902). On page 72 he marks:

“Stamvader and Stammoeder van Kaapsche geslachten: Abraham Duvenage, vermeld: 1765. Geboorteplaats: IV. Duitsland. Aantal kinderen 4.

George M’Call Theal says in his “History of South-Africa under the administration of the Dutch East India Company. 1652 to 1795” (London 1897) vol. 11 p. 106: “The principal names added to the burger population during the third quarter of the eighteeth century were …. Abraham Duvenage. 1765”.

Dr. Colenbrander has assorted his lists on the book of Christoffel Coetzee de Villiers: “Geslacht-Register der Oude Kaapsche Famielien”; in this book is:

Deel 1.S.194          (Kaapstad 1893) the pedigree of the Duvenhage,
Deel 2.S.217-221      (1894) the pedigree of the Liebenberg,
Deel 3.S.483-486      (1894) the pedigree of the Victor,
Deel 4.S.557-560      (1894) the pedigree of the van der Walt,

CC de Villiers gives the following pedigree;
“De Stamvader van dese familie was Abraham Devenage, note spelling van Stettyn, gehuyd 09/12/1770 met Elsabe Magdelena Hasse".

(b) 1. Johan George, gedoopt 01/09/1771, burger te Graaf Reinet, gehuwd 23/04/1797 met Sibilla Muller.
(c) 1. Abraham Christiaan, gedoopt 16/09/1798, gehuwd met Susanna Magdalena Victor, gedoopt 1801.
(d) 1. Christiaan Johanna, gedoopt 02/01/1820.
(d) 2. Johan George, gedoopt 08/04/1822.
(c) 2. Johannes Theunis, gedoopt 14/07/1799, gehuwd 01/01/1820 met Jannetjie Victor, gedoopt 1803.
(d) Johannes Jacobus, gedoopt 27/03/1822.
(c) 3. Johan Hendrik,                  gedoopt 10/11/1801.
(c) 4. Andries Godlieb,                gedoopt 06/05/1804.
(c) 5. Barend Christofiel,             gedoopt 06/05/1804.
(c) 6. Johannes Gerrit Hendrik,   gedoopt 12/04/1807.
(c) 7. Elsabe Magdalena Elizabeth, gedoopt 22/10/1809.
(c) 8. Petrus Carolus Stephanus, gedoopt 29/11/1812.

(b) 2. Elsabe Johanna, gedoopt 21/03/1773.

(b) 3. Anna Dorathea, gedoopt 06/08/1775, gehuwd 15/05/1796, met Conrad Hendrik Liebenberg, gedoopt 06/10/1764, burger to Stellenbosch.

(b) 4. Petrus Carolus, gedoopt 19/03/1780, burger to Graaf Reinet, gehuwd 15/03/1801 met Anna Catharina van der Walt, gedoopt 08/02/1784.

(c) 1.                      Alida Johanna Laija            gedoopt 08/04/1803.
(c) 2.                      Elsie Magdalena      gedoopt 12/05/1805.
(c) 3.                      Renska Margareta   gedoopt 14/02/1808.
(c) 4.                      Anna Aletta Sophia gedoopt 03/09/1809.
(b)-2.                     Geslacht     V.
(b)-3.                     Geslacht     VI.
(b)-4.                     Geslacht     VII.

Here the pedigree of C.C. de Villiers ends.

I am indebted to Mr. Colin Graham Botha (of the Cape Province) for giving me his important work “The French Refugees at the Cape” Second Efition, Cape Town, Cape Times Limited 1921.

The Duvenage are not mentioned in the book, but I hope the Mr. Colin Graham Botha will be kind enough to receive our family in the third edition of his book.

It would be very honourable for all of us. I have asked Mr. Colin Graham Botha for doing so.

Mr. Colin Graham Botha was kind enough to inquire in my name for the Duvenage in South Africa in the news-papers “Die Burger”, “Ons Vaderland”, “Die Volksblad” and to beg them to write to me.

Answers came from:

  1. Johannes Petrus Duvenage, Jagersfontein, Oranje Vrijstaat.

  2. Johannes F. Duvenage, c/o National Bank of SA Ltd. Commisioner Street East, Johannesburg.

  3. G.J. Linde, Paradys, Brandfort, O.V.S.

  4. Jacobus Adriaan Duvenage, Hoopsgrond, Harrismith, O.V.S.

  5. Frans Duvenage, 64 8st Laan, Melville, Johannesburg, Transvaal.

  6. J. Duvenage, Kotjeskolk Rail, Dist. Calvinia, S.A.

  7. Mej. Betsie Duvenage, Kotjeskolk Rail, Dist. Calvinia, S.A.

  8. Wiese, Lufton, S.K. Marseilles.

  9. Mev. Willem Adriaan Hattinga geboren Duvenage, Evergreen, P.O. Edenville via Honingspruit Stasie.

  10. P.L. Duvenage, P.O. Smithfield, O.V.S.

  11. J.G. Duvenage, Vlakfontein, via Westminister, Post Excelsior, S.A.

  12. P.G. Duvenage, Klimop, Brandfort, O.V.S.

  13. Andries Johannes Duvenage, Alheit, via Kakamas, S.Afrika.

  14. Mev. Schlebush, geboren Duvenage, Brandfort, O.V.S.

  15. Barend Christoffel du Vinage, Clarens, S.Afrika.

  16. A. Duvenage, Pastorie Gereformeerde Kerk, Petrusburg, O.V.S.

  17. L.J. Fourie, St. Mehiel, Post Marquard, O.V.S.

  18. Marthinus Duvenage Jr. Martinsdam, P.K. Kwaggashoek, via Dealesville, S.Afrika.

I thank all of them. We have to join the Duvenage, Duvenhage, Duvenhage, now living in South Africa, with the pedigree of C.C. de Villiers book, so the authentical pedigree will be formed.

No member of our name must be wanting in my history of the family, which will be printed afterwards. Therefore I have added a list of queries…..

Note: This has been left out as it is irrelevant…

3 Families of the Schwedt-liniage, 1 family of the Greifenhagen-liniage and myself of the Pasewalk-liniage, however, write with assent of the Royal Government and of  the Prussian Ministry of Justice the ancient form of the name du Vinage.

Unfortunately, the letter was undated, and as it is unlikely that the author still lives, perhaps someone knows of the whereabouts of his son Hans Robert, or his descendants?