Family [F190]
George Robert HURST {M} [P383] = Eliza Anne WATTS {F} [P391]
Married Saturday 02 October 1875, England
George Robert:
Born ABT 1853, England
Died Thursday 01 October 1931, England
Eliza Anne:
Born ABT 1852, Fressingfield, Sussex, UK
Died Thursday 26 February 1891, Pimlico, Belgrave, London, UK
Edith Frances Eliza {F} [P382] = Norman Hugh HARVEY {M} [P354] > Family [F175]
Married Wednesday 22 May 1901, Woodstock, Cape Town, SA
Edith Frances Eliza:
Born Thursday 02 October 1879, Camberwell, London, UK
Died Saturday 20 September 1952, Rondebosch, Cape Town, SA
Norman Hugh:
Born Wednesday 28 February 1877, Rainham, Essex, UK
Died August 1913, Belgian Congo, Africa
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person/family identifiers.
Superscripted numbers are references to source citations at the bottom of this page.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.